The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,32

going to outlive all of us.”

“Daena tell Kaitlyn that.” I asked for a second helping of cake. “What dost ye think the family is doing? I wasna home long enough tae ken the routine.”

“Let’s see, Zach is trying to talk the boys into eating anything besides bunny-shaped Mac and cheese. He tries every night and he never wins. Beaty is feeding Mookie sweet potatoes with a spoon. Emma is rocking Zoe. I’m sure Katie is trying to keep Isla from throwing toys at the glass window and Hayley is joking about something and Fraoch is wondering aloud why no one is eating all the fish he caught.”

I chuckled, “Colonel Quentin, have ye a thought on havin’ yer own bairn?”

He paused long. “Beaty and I have talked of it, we…” He shook his head. “She’s young, she loves being a part of your larger family, but no, we haven’t any plans. Lots of worries, no plans. I don’t think either of us can trust our own upbringing. Being parents is a luxury, I think.”

“I thought ye could afford tae be luxurious?”

“Yeah, of course, I’m rich, I’m just trying to be smart. I don’t think this is the kind of drama to bring a baby into.”

“Och.” I chuckled.

“I didn’t mean it as a dig on you having children.”

“I ken, tis never a good time. In Balloch castle there is always a battle or a war, many reasons tae nae have bairn, yet they always come.”

Quentin chuckled. “That’s because you don’t have condoms.”

“Or modern women, but I meant ‘och,’ because I daena like that my struggles are keepin’ ye from a family.”

“I have a family. Beaty and I have no regrets. We have a lot of things we want to do, that I want to show her. Instead of worrying about whether we have children, how about worry about letting me catch a break so I can take her to see New York. She is dreaming of going.”

“All right, tis a plan.”

“I was planning our trip, while you were giving your long speech about trade deals with the Asian markets—”

“Twas nae fascinating? Charles Drummond told me twas enlightening and he was interested in m’every word.”

“Chuck Drummond is an ass-licker.”

I laughed. “I hae nae heard the term afore.”

“Really? Really you haven’t heard the term ass-licker before? Man, Katie and I are not doing our jobs. But he is one, now you know.”

“Aye, I ken, tis a definite arse tastin’ tae say m’lengthy speech on interest and capital was tae enlighten anyone.”

Lady Mairead bustled in. “Daena get up, King Magnus.” She leaned across the table menacingly. “I want ye tae ken, I hae given him the Trailblazer and he has torn up the contract. Tis done. Ye are tae understand that I have solved our problems, as I said I would.” She leveled her gaze. “Also, I winna stand for being treated this way, ye arna tae arrest me, or tae threaten me or call my actions intae question. I am an independent woman and expect tae be treated as such.”

She demurely sat down and a full plate was delivered in front of her. She unfurled her napkin, placed it in her lap, and took a bite of the roasted beef. “Now that we are done with the pleasantries, ye will announce that I am pardoned of all allegations. I hae a press release on yer desk, all ye must do is sign it.”

I took a last bite of cake, and chewed it watching her.

She added, “Remind me, later, I will bring ye the passport and birth certificate I procured for Archi— Why are ye staring at me?”

“Anything else happened?”

“Nae, what do you mean?”

“Yer throat?”

“I daena ken what ye are speaking on Magnus, daena get started again. He tore up the contract. Tis all over. Things should go back to normal now. Tis time tae celebrate.”

I said, “Since ye sat down, Lady Mairead, ye hae assured me that ye hae handled a dangerous situation, while also forgetting an important detail, and a prior conversation, provin’ tae me yer timeline is still in disarray.” I tossed my napkin beside my empty dessert plate. “Which means m’ regent is untrustworthy, the timeline is broken, we are missin’ vessels, and someone is alterin’ our history. Tis nae a day for celebration, I am glad I already finished m’cake.”

Quentin joked, “Two slices of cake.”

“Aye, two verra large slices of cake.”

“What hae I ever forgotten, Magnus? Nothing. I am always in control.”

“Ye already gave me Archibald’s passport.”

She waved her hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024