The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,26

I get. I should nae be surprised, ye are never grateful for what I do for ye, Magnus.” She shook her head. “I needed the Trailblazer tae rescue ye and twas a high price tae pay. He held the Trailblazer verra dear, so I was forced tae sign a contract for it. Twill be annulled once I return the Trailblazer.” She checked her watch again. “I was supposed tae hae left yesterday, but I was waiting for yer return—”

I said, “Ye are in jail, ye winna make yer appointment. I will handle it in yer stead. Tell me what ye gave him. I will demand its return or I will kill—”

Lady Mairead said, “Nae, Magnus, I must be the one, and I need tae go fast, or he will hold me accountable. Events will be set in motion, the stakes are dire.”

She and I glared at each other long.

Hammond said, “We are also concerned about the effects on the timeline. We can not be sure of our memories. We are tracking massive storms to the south and we are are not sure of the origin.”

Quentin said, “We saw something like that yesterday, there were two storms but no travelers. Then Lady Mairead arrived, but she didn’t remember coming to visit.”

She looked away.

Quentin said tae Lady Mairead, “When you came to Florida to ask me and Fraoch for help with the Trailblazer, you mentioned missing people… as I remember, you said there were three missing people from the beginning of the vessels.”

Lady Mairead opened and closed her mouth.

He urged, “Remember, three people, from the book?”

She shook her head.

Quentin leaned forward in his chair. “Do you remember the conversation?”


“But not about the three missing people?”

“Nae, I daena ken what ye are speaking on.”

“Well, that’s concerning.” Quentin leaned back. “So he, Sir Paddy, is the one causing the timeline discrepancies, right?”

Lady Mairead said, “I daena ken.”

Quentin threw up his hands in exasperation.

I said, “Ye owe this man the Trailblazer, ye are late tae return it, and are breakin’ yer contract. He is dangerous and well-armed. I think he is definitely the one causing any trouble we are having. Now I understand why ye are preoccupied with me needin’ tae ‘be strong.’ Ye hae created a dangerous situation and need me tae fix it.”

She gulped. “I will handle it if ye will only set me free.”

“From where I stand, it seems unlikely ye can handle it. I repeat, where hae ye hidden Trailblazer?”

“Somewhere safe.”

“But nae in the vault with the vessels? Dost ye see, there are too many things, spread out for us tae be keeping safe? Dost ye see how dangerous this has become? We daena hae an accountin’ of all the machines we need tae guard.”

Quentin said, “That is the truth. I only want nine vessels, that’s it, no more, no less. We could totally make do with that. I lie awake at night thinking about them: who has what, are they accounted for, who might be coming for them? And I don’t want a Trailblazer, uh uh. I rode that sucker, it’s dangerous just sitting there idle.”

Lady Mairead said, “There is nae use dreaming of having fewer tae guard, we hae twenty vessels—”

I asked, “How many did ye say?”

“Twenty, of course, last I checked, same as always.“

I stood and straightened my coat. “There are fewer than I remember. I need tae check the vault. Hammond and Quentin, please accompany me—”

“What of me?”

“Ye are tae stay here and consider yer criminal conduct. When ye are willing tae share yer secrets, I am willing tae listen, until then ye are a prisoner.”

“This is outrageous.”

I said, “Some might say this is outrageous, some might say tis necessary, or reasonable, or past due for all yer conspiracies. Ye daena want tae tell me what ye traded for the Trailblazer, or where ye hid it, or why ye are desperate about returnin’ it — Nae? Then ye will wait here while I find out how many vessels are in the vault.”

“Hammond, talk some sense intae him.”

“My apologies, Mairead, I will speak to him.”


Sixteen - Magnus

As Hammond, Quentin and I strode down the hall tae the elevator, I told Hammie, “Once I am done here, I need ye tae take a guard tae Florida tae protect the house and m’family.”

Hammond said, “Of course, Your Highness.” Then he added, “My apologies about the… um situation with your mother. I meant to tell you as soon as—”

“How long has it been goin’ on?”

“A long time.”

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