The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,25

her bound wrists.

Quentin continued, “And I agree with General Hammond — build a strong army, prepare for war, do everything to not have to fight. And arena battles suck, there isn’t a reason in the world to do them. That’s a hard no from me. If that’s a strong thing to do then I am a weak, weak...” He faltered under her gaze, shifting in his seat.

She said, “Speaking of weak men, I hae Roderick’s death certificate prepared, along with Bella’s.” She put her wrists forward. “If you’ll release me I can gather them from my office.”

“Nice try. Which drawer? I will get them m’self.”

“The top drawer.”

“Good, I winna need a key.”

She exhaled furiously. “In that drawer ye will also find birth certificates for yourself and for Archibald, because I am always helpful tae ye.”

“I appreciate yer thoughtfulness.”

“We canna exhume Bella’s body without a great deal of effort, but tis nae matter in it. We will make sure tae hae a small, plain marker placed in the family tomb for her. As Archie’s mother it will need tae be there, I suppose.”

I said, “He thinks of Kaitlyn as his mother now. He has spent years of his young life without Bella.”

“Well, perhaps it winna be necessary, she was a treasonous whore, I hate tae take up the space.”

She leveled her gaze. “I would like a chair, this meeting has gone long and I think ye should remove m’wrist bindings. Tis unseemly tae hae me afore ye, suffering. Ye were just describing yourself a benevolent man.”

“Suffering? Hae ye ever spent a long winter’s night listening tae Châtellerault lecture while tryin’ tae choke down a blood sausage with weak whisky? I think ye will rise tae the challenge.”

She growled.

I said, “Ye hae a verra dangerous machine in yer possession. Ye are losin’ control, unable tae keep history in line. I canna trust ye anymore. Disclose the whereabouts of the Trailblazer so I can help ye guard it and regain control.” I rolled my hand for her tae answer quickly.

She shook her haughty head. “Nae, I will handle it on my own.”

“I am guessing that acquiring the Trailblazer has brought danger down tae bear on us? From whom, this man Padraig?”

There was a flash in her eyes. She looked away.

“I see.” I took a long drink from my tea and returned the glass tae the table. “Without the knowledge of the dangers I am facing, I am weakened. Ye accused me of being weak, but ye are making me so. Ye winna answer my questions, even if ye ken that yer freedom depends on it?”

My question was met with silence

“Then we will clear the room and allow ye tae get on with yer contemplations.” I made tae leave and Hammond and Quentin rose from the seats to follow. I said tae them, “I thought I was puttin’ her in prison for irritatin’ me and now I see she is fully treasonous.”

“Daena go, I will tell ye.” She huffed. “Sir Padraig Stuart is a collector.”

I turned on her. “What dost ye mean by this?”

“He acquires art, but his taste is nae as refined as my own. He also collects military goods, weapons and the like. He has a verra large arsenal.”

“Where is the arsenal, or when?” asked Quentin.

“I hae no idea, we met a couple of times in a cafe in Los Angeles in the year 1926 and once at Hearst Castle up the coast.” Her eyes went far off. “Ye should accompany me there sometime, Magnus, tae Hearst Castle. Tis lovely.”

“Daena change the subject, dost ye trust him?”

“Nae, I daena, nae anymore.”

I searched her face. “Why, because of the Trailblazer?”

She nodded.

“Lady Mairead, ye are answering too simply. My questions require ye tae be forthcoming.”

She said, “This is my private business. Daena give me that look, Magnus, I will disclose information, if ye need tae ken the details. I daena like tae be questioned like this. I feel as if I am being interrogated—”

“Ye are, look around, ye are in prison. Yer release depends on answering the king’s questions.”

“Ye would nae dare leave me here, tis only a threat—”

I huffed. “Try me.”

I asked Hammie, “Dost ye ken of Sir Paddy?”

Hammond’s brow was drawn. “Nae, I am only hearing of him right now.”

“What dost ye think of this, Colonel Quentin?”

“I think Sir Paddy sounds incredibly dangerous. If he knows how to get something as important as the Trailblazer — if he has weapons from the future. He’s super-villain-level dangerous.”

Lady Mairead said, “This is the thanks Copyright 2016 - 2024