The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,21

of Balloch castle?”

“Oh, I’d say a month, a month and a half tops.”

“Och.” I met Quentin’s eyes. “It has been a bit longer for me, ye see, General Hammond, a great deal longer. Dost ye remember how long I gave her?”

“You gave her a year, if I remember it… She took a year?”

“Almost tae the day. It was a verra cold year. I grew quite hungry durin’ it, there was food, Hammie, the occasional feast, but I haena had spices or sugar as I might want.” I exhaled a deep breath. “Ye might call me ornery as a bear after hibernation.”

He nodded. “I didn’t realize, Your Highness.”

“How could ye hae realized? Ye hae been a help tae me in all things. Ye dinna ken that Lady Mairead was connivin’ against her king and ye were nae her keeper. I hae been of a mind tae allow her tae continue in m’good graces. She made the king wait, she caused the king and queen tae suffer, but she did rescue them after all.” I looked around at the horizon, familiar forest and hills, the majestic mountains beyond. “But now I hae time jumped and m’head is pained and I am wonderin’ if I am feelin’ as forgivin’ after all, she has caused me a great deal of trouble…”

“You can speak to her directly, Your Highness, she is waiting for you, as soon as you’ve got your strength she wants to see you.”

“Och, she would like the king tae come tae her as soon as I hae my strength? And did ye dine with her three weeks ago, General Hammond?”

He considered, then said, “About three weeks ago we had meetings with the Prime Minister Greene and then after, a banquet in his honor.”

“What was served?”

He looked confused, but answered, “Cornish hens, potatoes, a vegetable, a fancy dessert, I do not know the name of… it was a classic ‘visiting dignitaries’ dinner.”

I nodded. “Aye, I ken the type. I ken it well.” I nodded. “I am ready tae see Lady Mairead now, bring soldiers, I am feelin’ I will need them.”

I followed General Hammond through the halls. Once, they had been full of m’family’s plunder, but now staff had been organizing and cataloguing the art and artifacts, so we were able tae pass through unhindered. I remembered the times I had been chased down these halls, throwin’ sculptures down tae impede the pursuit of the soldiers. I glanced around, I was surrounded by eight men, soldiers following my orders now.

We arrived at my mother’s office, large and luxurious, grander than mine, but I had nae as much need for one as I was often in the field or away on business. Besides, I preferred a smaller, quieter room for when somethin’ needed tae be studied, and my meetings were held in the larger halls. Lady Mairead appreciated an imposing desk and the ability to tuck away for private discussions, this was one of her favorite parts of ruling a kingdom, but I had had enough, of her private discussions, her conniving, and her ruling m’kingdom.

As I entered, she rose from behind her desk, wearing her favorite dress made in Campbell tartan. “Magnus!” She met me in the middle of the room tae pat me on both shoulders and looked me over, shaking her head. “Ye are too thin,” she added, “We have much tae discuss.” She looked at her gold watch. “Though now ye are returned I must away. Tis verra pressing—”

“Ye dinna mention pressin’ business when I spoke tae ye yesterday in Florida.” I leveled my eyes on her. “What is yer business?”

Her eyes darted around, thinking.

“Dost ye remember? Ye stayed in m’guest room, ye were travelin’ with yer friends, a... I canna remember, her name was a flower, he was—”

“Flora and Cully? Why in the world? I traveled with them?”

“Aye, ye seemed as surprised as I was tae see ye.”

“This does nae sound like me at all. Ye must hae confused the timeline.”

“Tis nae me who is confusin’ the timeline, tis ye, Lady Mairead. I believe ye hae been dangerously alterin’ our history and possibly loopin’ upon yourself.

Her eyes glared. “Are ye calling my capabilities intae question?”

“Nae, I believe ye are verra capable. Ye are capable of deceit, of conspirin’, and ye are capable of desertin’ yer son in the wilds of the sixteenth—”


“Where are ye going? What is yer pressin’ business?”

“I refuse tae tell ye, tis my own—”

“Nae, not a word.” Tae Hammie I said, “I would like Lady Mairead Copyright 2016 - 2024