The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,20

get up, but he said, “Queen Kaitlyn, you do not need to rise, I simply wanted to let you know I am here. I have brought more guards.” He placed a stack of documents on the coffee table. “King Magnus sent these for you.”

My voice was smaller than I wanted when I asked, “He’s safe?”

“Yes, I can meet with you in the morning and fill you in.”

“That would be great, thank you.”

“We are set up outside.”

“You can use the intercom if you need me.”

He returned to the deck.

“Phew.” I cuddled in with Archie and Isla.

Hayley turned the movie back on.

A few moments later Fraoch and Zach came in. Fraoch said, “What’s this then?”

Hayley paused the movie. “A slumber party. We’re watching Finding Nemo.”

Fraoch sat down on the blowup mattress causing Hayley to bounce up and down. She said, “Woah, tiger, you’re rocking the boat!”

He laughed. “We are sleepin’ all taegether like the men’s quarters at Balloch?”

“Just like that, except this room will smell a lot better. Right Ben? No farting.”

Ben, curled up beside Zach, giggled.

Hayley explained the movie, “The fish is lost and his father is trying to find him.” She turned on the movie again and we all watched with occasional explaining whispers from Hayley to Fraoch.

Every now and then Fraoch laughed very loudly, the laugh of someone who has just discovered Finding Nemo for the first time, and hasn’t any thought about listening quietly. One of my favorite things he said, “Och, she winna remember, she canna remember anythin’.”

The room was dark except for the flickering light of the television. Isla fell asleep against me, a wonderful, comforting weight. Every deep breath was a building of trust again. She was finding her place. Archie was bleary-eyed, but still watching the movie, reminding me of the night I watched cat videos with his Da, so nervous about the next day. I kissed the top of his head.

Then Fraoch yelled out at the movie, “Och, wee fish, listen tae me, daena trust the birds!”

Archie giggled and whispered to me, “Uncle Fraoch is funny.”

Hayley, without turning her head, said, “Almost as funny as Aunt Hayley.”

I grinned. This had been just what we all needed.

I squiggled down in the covers, curled up around my bairn, held within the strength of my chosen family, all sleeping in one room. The night wasn’t for Mookie, it was for me, Isla, and Archie, to give us peace of mind. Then the second movie Finding Dorie played, and Fraoch said, “Och! Now she is lost? We will be wantin’ tae give them the radio boxes so they can find each other.” I slowly fell asleep.

Thirteen - Kaitlyn

In the night of day three

I was standing at a window, looking out, the landscape a vivid green under a deep blue sky, my breaths were deep and calm, my view Ben Cruachan, the walls around me a thick stone. A memory of Kilchurn, long hidden, but also... it wasn’t quite right, the light was brighter, the weather warmer, my gaze on the mountains, strong hands around my waist, enclosing me, rubbing up to my breasts, a warm mouth on my neck, a rough beard — I smiled. Magnus.


His voice was lower, it had the worn edge of Old Magnus — I hadn’t thought of him in so long, but here he was, and it felt so real, warm and at home and comfortable. He whispered, his breath warm on my ear, “Tell me tae go get them.”


The scene turned cold, then dark, then empty. He dissolved away.

I was wide awake staring at the ceiling. Tell me tae go get them... Who?

Fourteen - Magnus

I woke up on the helicopter landing pad of Caisteal Morag in m’kingdom, Riaghalbane, and I was surrounded by boots. I shielded m’eyes tae look up intae the glarin’ sun. The men were my soldiers. I glanced over at Quentin.

His eyes were open, he groaned, and hefted himself up tae sitting.

General Hammond’s voice came down tae me on the ground, “You are awake, Your Highness?”

“I am awake and I will be up when I can find where I left m’legs.” The men around me laughed. I lumbered tae my feet and stretched out my back.

I held out a hand for Quentin, who said, “I’m getting too old for this.”


General Hammond said, “I am glad to see you returned, your mother worked tirelessly to—”

“Did she?” I straightened my uniform and dusted off my pants. “How long has it been since we were taegether on the battlefield in front Copyright 2016 - 2024