Web of Lies (The Goode Life #2) - Isla Olsen Page 0,11


Last I heard, Zack and Slater were struggling to land on a song for their first dance next week—something about not being able to find the right song about two people who loved each other as kids but broke up ‘cause they were idiots and then finally found each other again. I always just assumed any old love song would do, but apparently that’s not the case…

“Slate suggested we use one from when we were together in high school,” Zack says, a soft smile touching his lips as he talks about his fiancé. “So I managed to dig out the CD they gave us at prom—thank god Mom kept all my shit in my old room…”

“You realize you could have just googled what songs were popular when you were in high school?” I point out, taking a sip of my coffee. “Or, you know, used the power of memory…”

“Anyway…” Zack says, ignoring my comment. “Slater suggested “Sex on Fire,” because of it’s accuracy, obviously. But I didn’t think that was a good idea because it’s not really a song two people can dance to…”

“Yeah, that’s why it’s not a good idea,” I deadpan.

“And I flat-out refuse to dance our first dance to anything by Chris Brown,” he continues.

I nod, sipping my coffee. “Fair call.”

“So we’ve decided on “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz.

“Nice,” I say with a nod. “There isn’t enough ukulele music at weddings these days.”

The spa Tansie’s chosen for us isn’t part of any of the big hotels on the Strip, instead it’s this little out of the way place a couple streets back. Apparently, it was recommended to her by a tourist visiting Finchley a couple months ago, and although it’s not nearly as sleek as the spa in our hotel, they still offer all the same services and at about half the price.

Zack and I settle into giant, comfy armchairs so we can get foot massages; Lawson, who’s been complaining about backache after the day of travel yesterday, decides to go for the full body treatment; and the girls opt for manicures.

“So, are you going to tell me about it, or do I need to pry it out of you?” Zack asks, once we’re settled in with massage therapists attending to our feet.

“Pry what out of me?”

“What happened with David?”

“What?” My gaze snaps up from watching the masseuse do her work.

“Lily texted me,” he says simply.

I let out a soft groan. “Well, she shouldn’t have. It’s not a big deal.”

“Your boyfriend of two and a half years dumps you and kicks you out of your apartment and it’s not a big deal?”

I hold up a hand in protest. “Okay, technically, he didn’t actually kick me out. I left of my own free will. But I don’t know what you want me to say…I’m not a total mess about this, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I assure him. “I know I should be totally heartbroken and everything but, honestly, I’m fine. I feel like a complete idiot for thinking I was so in love with him, but apart from that, I’m fine.”

Zack stares at me for a long moment, obviously trying to figure out whether he should take me at my word. Finally, he nods. “Okay then. I guess you need to find a new place to live, though.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah. But I don’t know…” I lift a hand to rake through my hair, finally voicing what’s been running through my mind for a while now, although the last couple days have brought it to the forefront. “I think I’m a little over New York, if I’m being honest.”

“Because of what happened with David?” he asks, his features creased with worry.

I shake my head. “No, not just that.” I’m not really sure when the feeling first started, although I think it could have been somewhere around the time Zack decided to settle down in Finchley with Slater. I’m not saying I’m ready to just uproot my life and move back to the tiny town I grew up in, but I think something about seeing him so settled and happy has made me feel…unsettled. And the other night with David just rammed that point home further.

Zack looks at me thoughtfully for a long moment before throwing me off by leaving that topic to rest and taking the conversation in a new direction. “Lily’s given me instructions to make sure you have fun tonight,” he says, waggling his eyebrows to make sure I understand exactly

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