Web of Lies (The Goode Life #2) - Isla Olsen Page 0,10

after dinner.”

“Didn’t you guys already have dinner?” Axel asks.

“That was lunch,” Slater says, his lips quirking in a wry smile.

His brows drawn together in confusion, Axel tugs his phone from his back pocket and glances at it, obviously checking the time. Then he gazes around our surroundings with an accusatory look on his face. “Damn no windows in the casino. How is anyone supposed to know how long they’ve been here?”

“I think that’s the point,” Zack says.

* * *

My apprehension turns out to be unfounded—at least as far as tonight’s festivities are concerned. Lawson and George have organized for us all to enjoy an amazing steak dinner at a restaurant a few hotels down from the one we’re staying in. I’m not being a very good tourist because I’ve already forgotten all the names of the various hotels and casinos we passed as we walked up the Strip—there are just so many of them, and they’re all so crazy with their whacky themed designs—but the twins have offered to help rectify that by taking me with them to explore the Strip tomorrow, and I have nothing better planned so I figure I may as well go.

After we’ve finished eating, Lawson gets to his feet, glass in hand. “Okay, I’m not going to make a speech ‘cause this is a bachelor party, so that would be lame. But I just wanted to acknowledge the reason we’re all here…” he nods to Slater and Zack, offering a warm smile. “Slater, thanks for finally taking him off my hands.”

There’s a soft bubble of laughter as Lawson retakes his seat, and it grows louder as Slater leans over to him and says, “You might be jumping the gun a little, buddy. I haven’t actually married him yet.”

Zack scowls at his fiancé, but Slater makes the expression go away by pulling him close for a kiss, prompting a chorus of awws mingled with ewws from Slater’s siblings.

As usual, I find I can only stand watching their open display for about a second before I have to avert my gaze in discomfort. I have no idea why; it’s not like I have any issue at all with them being together. It’s the complete opposite, in fact; I’m thrilled that they’ve managed to find their way back to each other after all the heartache they went through, and are now so happy together. But open displays like this just come so easily to them, in a way I’ve never been easy with anyone and probably never will be. So I guess I’m just…jealous.

From across the table, I catch Jesse watching me, a dark expression on his face. I sigh inwardly; I can only assume was conclusion he’s drawing right now and it really doesn’t sit well.


From the private Facebook group ‘Finchley Locals Community Hangout’

* * *

Post by Lorelai Ann: Okay does ANYBODY know how to play Blackjack?

Axel Goode reply to Lorelai Ann’s post: I do

Chance Kingsley reply to Lorelai Ann’s post: Yep, I do

Kip Goode reply to Lorelai Ann’s post: Yeah, I know how

Lorelai Ann reply to Lorelai Ann’s post: Okay does anyone currently in FINCHLEY know how to play Blackjack?

* * *


* * *

I couldn’t possibly time it worse when I leave my room on Saturday morning. Webster Goode—my brother’s future cousin-in-law, my co-best man, my ex-best friend, and my long-time enemy—is leaving his own room at exactly the same time, prompting an uncomfortable meeting in the hallway that involved a lot of awkward grunting on Web’s part and studiously avoiding him on my part.

For some reason, we’re the only two people in our party to have rooms on this floor. I’m not sure if that’s sheer coincidence, or if George and Lawson decided to pull an incredibly unfunny joke on us when they booked the rooms. Either way, I plan to spend as little time as possible in my room this weekend, just to be safe.

When I get down to the lobby, Zack and the others—Lawson, Tansie, and Delia—are already waiting for me so we can begin our morning of pampering. I grin at my brother as he hands me a to-go cup of coffee, and then follow after the others as we make our way out of the hotel and toward the spa where Tansie has made reservations for us this morning.

“So did you end up settling on a song?” I ask Zack as we meander down the Strip, which is almost as busy at nine in the morning as it was late last

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