Waiting on a Cowboy - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,68

just thinking about how long and fast our relationship has been.”

“And it makes you smile to think how stupid he was for waiting so long to figure out what was so obvious to everyone else.”

Liz laughed and realized she hadn’t really done that over the last few days because of her worries about what might happen. She needed to stay grounded in the moment and enjoy work, Tate, family, and friends.

She’d spent all this time waiting for something to happen instead of simply living her life, present and focused on what was important to her. Except maybe when she and Tate were in bed together. Then she’d been solely focused on him and the way he made her feel.

“It all happened at the right time.” When she and Tate were both ready for it. Though he’d kind of taken her off guard. But she liked that it had been a wonderful surprise and he’d made the effort to come after her after all the years she’d been waiting on him.

“It’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

She appreciated and loved Trinity’s sentiment. It felt just like that now.

“Ready to head to lunch?” Trinity stood back, waiting for Liz to walk out ahead of her.

“Did Tate send an armed guard?”

Trinity giggled. “No. But I’m under strict orders to stay by your side the whole time.” Trinity rolled her eyes. “I told him not to worry, girls never pee alone when they’re out together.”

Liz couldn’t help but laugh with Trinity. It felt good to let go of her worries for a little while and have some fun. Lunch with Trinity was just what she needed.

They headed out into the reception area. Several ladies waited with glasses of sparkling water with orange slices. She loved it when groups came in for a girls’ spa day.

Liz waved goodbye to Emmy manning the front desk with the phone to her ear.

She welcomed the bright sun and soft breeze as they exited the building but stopped short when a man approached and called her name.

“Liz Scott? Can I ask you a few questions?”

Trinity stepped in front of her. “Who are you?”

The dark-haired man adjusted the messenger bag strap on his shoulder. “Sorry.” He patted the pocket on his somewhat wrinkled plain white dress shirt, then dipped his hand into his bag.

Trinity held her hand up. “Hold it.”

The guy slowly pulled out a business card and held it up. “Tim Cobb. Investigative reporter for the Examiner.”

Trinity took his card and handed it back to Liz. “Why do you want to talk to Liz, Mr. Cobb?”

“Tim.” He stepped to the side to address Liz. “I’m doing a story on Aubrey Pittman’s suspicious death and Clint Mayhew’s possible involvement.”

Liz stepped up to Trinity’s side. “He killed her.”

“Do you have any evidence to support that?”

“No.” Liz scanned the parking lot and surrounding area, paranoid about being out in the open and exposed. “Listen, we’re headed to lunch. Maybe we could do this over the phone or in my office.”

“I’m happy to do it later today. I’m on deadline, and I really want your take on Clint and everything he’s suspected of doing to Aubrey and the other women in his office.”

That got Liz’s full attention. “What are you talking about?”

“I interviewed people who worked with Clint and Aubrey at the company Clint still works at. People won’t say it, but they’re afraid of him. It’s in the way they’re so careful about what they say about him. Two women confirmed Aubrey’s mother’s story that Clint not only harassed and stalked Aubrey, but that they were also Clint’s targets at one time. They never filed charges, but the details of their stories are eerily similar to Aubrey’s account of how he used potentially scandalous things about them to keep them quiet and compliant.”

“Aubrey told me he released a video of her to everyone in the office.”

“He did.”

“Why the hell wasn’t he fired?”

“The company investigated but couldn’t prove the email sent came from him. He used a generic and anonymous email that he set up and deleted once it served the purpose. The company didn’t want to face a lawsuit for firing him without proof. He wasn’t in the video and said Aubrey just wanted to get him fired because he broke up with her. She accused him of retaliation. He accused her of the same. Aubrey immediately left the company disgraced, so they swept it under the rug and Clint got away with it.”

“He gets away with everything.” Her mind and heart

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