Waiting on a Cowboy - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,67

Liz tries to be okay, and make me think she’s okay, but this stuff with Clint is getting to her. I want you guys to be on alert. Watch out for her when you’re here. This guy got his hands on Aubrey without anyone seeing him take her. No one saw him push her off that bridge.”

“Still no evidence?” Drake asked.

“The cops have nothing concrete, just a bunch of circumstantial stuff that adds up to nothing.” His frustration filled every word and kept the muscles in his shoulders and neck tense.

“We’ll keep an eye on her,” Drake promised. “Trinity and Adria aren’t here much, but maybe they can check in on her at lunch once in a while.”

“Of course we can.” Trinity smiled at him.

“I’m in,” Adria added.

“Great.” It relieved Tate to know they’d all be watching over Liz. “If you see anything suspicious or she tells you something she doesn’t want to share with me for whatever reason, please remember it could be important and possibly save her life.”

Drake pinned him with an intense gaze. “You really think he might go after her.”

“So far, he’s refused to give up. He tried to break us up with those texts.” Thank God, it didn’t work. Tate never wanted to see Liz that angry and sad again. “What’s he going to do next to get her back?”

“She doesn’t want to be with him. Why keep trying to force it?” Trinity shook her head. “It makes no sense.”

“He’s obsessed with her. He thinks she belongs to him. He wants to save her from me.” Tate didn’t get it at all. He’d never hurt Liz. He loved her. And the thought of being responsible for even a moment of upset for Liz made his heart ache. Never. That’s why he’d gone a little crazy when she took that step back and he’d been hell bent on making things right.

Adria frowned. “Take it from me, bad things happen when a guy tries to force you to like him.”

Tragic things happened.

All of their thoughts turned to Juliana and what happened to her.

Drake hugged Adria close.

Tate couldn’t help Juliana, but he could do everything in his power to keep Liz safe. “Thanks for the support and looking out for Liz. I appreciate it. I’m not sure when I’ll propose, but it will be soon. Until then, don’t say anything to her.” He stared at Trinity. “Don’t give hints that it’s coming just because you can’t help yourself.”

Trinity pressed a hand to her chest. “Who, me?”

“You.” He smiled despite how hard he tried to look intimidating to keep her quiet. He wanted to surprise Liz. She deserved a happy surprise with all the trimmings. All he had to do was pick a time and place and put it all together to make her smile—and say, YES!

He wanted them to have a long and happy life together.

If their friendship of the last twenty-plus years was any indication, they had plenty in common. They’d have the partner they needed in each other and a love that would keep them together. That love would continue to grow. He looked forward to a life filled with joy and laughter, a family of their own, grandbabies on their knees as they rocked on the porch in their old age, a real lifetime of memories shared.

Chapter Twenty-One

Liz had no idea what had gotten into Tate since yesterday, but he seemed anxious and secretive and . . . antsy. Totally unlike her steady, get-it-done cowboy. She didn’t know what had him out of sorts. He assured her it had nothing to do with Clint. Relieved to have another day free of Clint’s drama, she tried to put Tate’s odd behavior out of mind and get her work done. The last few days had been busy, which helped keep her thoughts off things and settle the overwhelming nerves she’d had coming back to work.

She felt exposed anytime she left the ranch.

She wanted to settle into her life with Tate and let everything else go.

Her phone chimed with a reminder about her Thursday lunch date with Trinity, which made her smile. For the first time since everything happened, she was going out to eat with Tate’s sister.

“I hope that sappy grin is because of my brother.” Trinity stood in Liz’s office doorway, hands braced on each side of the frame, looking lovely in a chic boho gauzy white dress with electric blue embroidery. Super cute, compared to Liz’s navy slacks and white spa polo.

Liz smiled. “I was

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