Visions of Magic - By Regan Hastings Page 0,107

lovely woman with waist-length flame red hair smiled at her. Firelight from the wall sconces flared across her features in light and shadow that made her look ethereal. A ghost. Which was all she could be, Shea told herself. Anything else was impossible. A trick. Or maybe even a trap.

Shea shook her head and threaded her fingers through Torin’s. “No,” she whispered. “It’s impossible. You died. I saw you die. I was there. They burned you at the stake and—”

Mairi Jameson smiled and hurried forward. “Oh, honey, don’t be scared. It’s really me. I didn’t die that day. Damyn—” She turned and held one hand out to the man standing behind her, drawing him to her side. “My Eternal saved me. He flashed me out of the fire and brought me here.”

“Your . . .” Shea looked up at Torin, who was grinning at the other Eternal. “You know him?”

“I do,” Torin said, stretching out one hand to the other man. They clasped forearms and smiled at each other. “I haven’t seen him in centuries. Not since—”

“Better we discuss that another time,” Damyn interrupted, moving to drape one arm around Mairi’s shoulders.

“It’s really you,” Shea said, still reeling from shock and wonder.

“It’s me, sweetie. Really.”

“I don’t believe this. You’re alive.” Shea released Torin’s hand and rushed to her aunt, gathering her up in a tight, hard hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she demanded, torn between hysterical laugher and tears.

“I couldn’t,” Mairi explained, pulling back to really look at Shea. “Damyn explained that we had to wait until your powers Awakened and then wait for you to find your way here.”

Of course he had, Shea thought. Hadn’t Torin waited until she was actually attacked before rescuing her? So he could make sure her powers had Awakened?

“I can’t believe you’re alive and . . .” Shea took a good look at her aunt and for the first time noticed just how she was dressed. She wore a one-shouldered white togalike garment. Gathered at the waist, it fell in a straight column to pool on the floor, dusting the tops of her bare feet. But the most startling thing about the dress was that Mairi’s left breast was bare. A mating tattoo of dark red roses encircled her nipple and swirled around behind her back to curl against her spine. Her Eternal’s broad bare chest bore a matching brand.

The look was both sensual and powerful. Although Shea didn’t know if she could bare her breast like her aunt dared. “You’re mated.”

“Of course,” Mairi said, “and I wear the traditional dress to show both my pride in my mate and in the joining. To let all know that we are one.” A frown creased Mairi’s features and she reached out to take Shea’s hand in a firm grip. “You have mated as well, haven’t you?”

“Yes, well, nearly,” Shea replied. “It hasn’t been a full month yet.”

Smiling her relief and pleasure, Mairi said, “Yes, I know.” Her gaze touched both Shea and Torin. “Time is running out, Shea, and there are forces lining up against you. Working actively to keep you from completing your quest.”

“We know,” Torin said shortly. “We were ambushed in the inner ward of the castle.”

Mairi glanced at Damyn. He nodded, called the fire and flashed out.

“Damyn will check to see that the intruders are gone. Do you have any idea who they were?”

“They could be anyone. We’ve been tracked ever since leaving California.”

Mairi’s eyes looked worried. “I’m afraid our enemies are more powerful than we fully know yet.”

“What do you mean? Do you know who was behind this attack?”

“No,” she admitted, frowning a bit. “I’ve scryed, looked into the future and the past, but the enemy masks himself—or herself—too well.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Torin said quietly. “They will not be allowed to stop us.”

Mairi gave him a brilliant smile. “You’re right, of course, Eternal. Thank you for reminding me. Now, you both must be tired. Why don’t you rest and—”

“I don’t want to rest, Mairi,” Shea told her aunt. “I want some answers. I want to know what’s going on and exactly what I have to do.”

Mairi’s grass green eyes met hers and slowly she nodded. “Very well. We’ll talk. Then you’ll rest. Come. Let me reacquaint you with Haven.”

Shea followed her aunt, keeping her fingers entwined with Torin’s. As Mairi talked, Shea felt her own memories thicken like syrup and spill through her mind. She remembered this place. Remembered ancient times, when the walls rang with laughter, when she and Copyright 2016 - 2024