The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,39


"I have arranged to have one of our footmen collect used clothing at some of the larger houses each week. The ladies of my acquaintance are quite pleased to feel they are doing their part for a worthwhile cause."

"There's plenty of men that will be pleased to have the clothes. They're not all that particular about who wore them last. Here's a list of the men that'll be coming to work for Mr. Putnam come Friday. I've vetted them all and they're good, trustworthy lads."

"The last batch worked out quite well. Dobson suggested young Henry stay on but the boy wants to work somewhere in the country," Amity said. "Well I guess that's all for this week. We'll see you next Tuesday."

"Righto, Miss Fraser. I'm off then," Jonas said, bowing once more. As he turned he winked at Betta, touching his cap with two fingers in a light-hearted salute.

"Your young man is a charmer, my girl," Amity said, smiling at her abigail whose eyes were following the disappearing figure.

"Go on with you, Miss Amity. He's never my young man," Betta said but she returned her mistress' grin with one of her own. "Not that he couldn't be, iffen I said the word."

The girls laughed then gathered Muffin and their belongings and started back along the path, well contented with their afternoon adventure.

Sitting in a leather chair in the library, Max was immersed in a book and heard the low voices and the sound of scurrying feet with only a portion of his mind. A shrill squeal, the tinkle of broken crockery and smothered curses alerted him to the possibility that all was not running as usual in his household. He closed the book, placing a finger inside to save his place. Then heaving an exasperated sigh, he pushed himself out of the chair and strode to the door. His footsteps were silent on the floor runner and he arrived at the corner of the balcony overlooking the entrance hall without giving away his presence. Still clutching the book, he rested his arms on the railing, keeping well in the shadow of the wall and leaned forward so that he might better take in the astounding scene below.

Putnam, the starchy, white-haired butler, stood with his back to the front door, arms outstretched as if to prevent a legion from attacking his stronghold. Two liveried footmen, hunched over for the best effect, were stalking a small animal across the black and white marble of the foyer. A parlor maid, no doubt the author of the high pitched scream, stood in the entrance to the kitchen hallway, her apron pressed in a wad over her mouth. As if that was not enough activity, Mrs. Putnam was sweeping up the remnants of a small vase which used to stand on the hall table.

Since this was not the normal conduct of his servants in his well-ordered household, Max was decidedly curious. The most amazing part of the scene was that instead of loud shouting the entire procedure was being conducted in whispers.

"Move to your right, Lewis," Putnam ordered. "Right, I said, you dunderhead."

"I do not like the look in its eye, Mr. Putnam," Lewis whispered back.

"Stubble it, you imbecile." The harassed butler wiped his forehead on the impeccable sleeve of his jacket. "It's not a wild boar, you know. It's a bloody babe."

Now that the footman had moved Max was able to see that it was indeed a small, black and white piglet. Max cocked his head in puzzlement. He did not know much about the details of running his establishment but he did not think that the kitchen staff was purchasing live animals for the consumption of the household. Curiouser and curiouser.

The larger of the two footmen circled to the left and made a brave lunge for the pig but slipped on the marble floor, measuring his length across the foyer. Lewis, aided by his youth and speed, hurled himself in the path of the piglet whose hooves scrabbled ineffectually, unable to find purchase on the slick surface. In a flurry of arms and legs, the young footman was able to capture the squealing animal against his chest.

Putnam abandoned his post at the door, clapping the young man on the shoulder as he scrambled off the floor. "Well done, lad," he congratulated the boy in a low voice. "Now get that beast back out to the storeroom and be more careful in the future."

"Sorry, Mr. Putnam." The boy's face was flushed with pleasure at Copyright 2016 - 2024