The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,38

was hoping for more but he said as how he would have to see how this batch worked out." Betta picked up one of the flowers she had gathered, her fingers stroking the petals as she talked. "It was a brilliant idea to think of the Bow Street Runners, Miss Amity."

"Well, it seemed logical since it's so much like the army." She sighed, turning a page of the book in her lap. She frowned down at the print, not really seeing the letters. "There are so many men out of work, Betta, and it seems like it is taking forever."

"Lawks, miss, we've already placed twenty men and that's not even countin' the four today. And," she said, her voice quivering with excitement, "I've made friends with a woman who works for the Duke of Clarence."

"You never!" Amity said, clapping her hands in excitement. "Holding out on me, you wretched girl!"

Betta giggled and hid her laughter behind a raised hand. "It jest happened this morning and I haven't had a moment to tell you. I was at the market and we got to jabberin'. Just friendly like. When she told me where she worked you could have blown me over with a feather. I asked if she could get away for tea some day and she agreed."

"Just imagine," Amity cooed. "The duke must have an enormous staff. There should be plenty of places available."

"Here comes Mr. Conway." Betta's voice was an excited whisper and Amity noted the becoming blush of color that dotted each cheek.

Jason Conway looked far different from the threadbare soldier they had first met. He was dressed in a black suit with a plain white shirt and well polished shoes. He strode with a jaunty air; the cloth cap covering his head was cocked over his sparkling brown eyes. Approaching the bench, he snatched off his cap before bowing to the ladies.

"Good day to ye, Miss Fraser, and to you also, Miss Betta."

Amity was amused that Jonas gave her only a cursory glance before his eyes shifted for a more thorough perusal of her abigail. Betta played with the flowers in her lap, her flaming cheeks a sign of her awareness of the young man. Muffin raised his head, giving a low whining sound and the young man dropped to one knee to greet the dog.

"Allo, old beastie," he crooned, scratching between Muffin's ears. "Feels good, don't it, old boy?"

"You're sounding quite chipper, Jonas," Amity said. "All is well with you?"

The young man scrambled to his feet, brushing the dog hairs from his jacket. "Oh, aye, Miss Fraser. Mr. Burgess has been very good to me and I'm that happy in my work." Although he spoke to Amity, she had the feeling that he was directing every word to her companion. "The importer's office is large and there's much room for advancement. After only a few weeks, he has taken a shine to me. Says I have a good head for figures, miss, if you'll pardon me boasting."

"You'll go far, Jonas. I have great faith in you. Now here is the latest set of recommendations and some money for clothing," she said, handing him a bulky envelope which he kissed with a great show of reverence before slipping inside his jacket. "Make sure the men are scrubbed and wearing something suitable before they go to see Aimsley. He's willing to take four men on as runners."

"Cooee! You are a proper wonder!" Jonas said, his mouth flashing in a wide grin of pleasure.

"Far from it, I fear. Your accolades are misplaced since Betta was responsible for convincing Aimsley to hire on the men."

Jonas turned to the abigail. His face held an expression of wonderment as he stared at the modestly bent head. He coughed and Betta raised her face, staring back at him with eyes alight with pleasure. "I and my friends are most grateful for your help, Miss Betta."

"Twere nothing, Mr. Conway. I am conscious of how it feels to be in desperate straits," she said.

"To think, you went to Aimsley yourself. You're a brave one, Miss Betta."

Amity sighed at the romantic pair. She could tell that a genuine liking had sprung up between them in just the short time they had been working together. She hoped for Betta's sake that Jonas would prove to be a steadfast suitor for the girl's affection. She let the twosome chatter for several minutes but after glancing at her lapel watch, Amity coughed to bring them back to the business at Copyright 2016 - 2024