Vicious Spirits - Kat Cho Page 0,32

took them between hers. And her palms were warm and comforting, just how Somin remembered them. She lifted their joined hands to her cheek and felt Halmeoni’s papery-thin skin against hers. “I’m sorry, my child. But this world we’ve stumbled into is not an easy place to exist. You must realign your morals if you’re going to protect the ones you care about. Including my grandson.”

“Have you seen Jihoon? Are you watching over him, too?”

Halmeoni gave a sad smile. “I’ve seen him, but right now, you are the one who is in need.”

“He hasn’t been the same since you . . . left,” Somin said. “I’m worried about him.”

“Yes, I know. That is why I know he is in good hands. You are a protector. You will make sure my Jihoonie stays safe.”

“I will,” Somin said.

“Good, but first, you must wake up.”


“Wake up.” Halmeoni’s voice faded into an echo. Then the pain came. A throbbing in the back of Somin’s skull. She let out a low groan as she opened her eyes. And as her vision cleared, she made out Junu’s foyer.

She was sprawled across the tile floor. And when she lifted her hand to the back of her head, she felt a lump that throbbed as she pressed it.

Somin stood slowly and saw Junu’s unconscious form. Was he still breathing?

She leaned over him, and before she could check his pulse, Junu’s eyes flew open. He reached out, lightning quick, pulling her head down until her face was centimeters from his.

“You saved my life,” he mumbled. “My hero.” Then he planted a hard kiss on her. Before she could react, he fell back to the floor with a thud, unconscious.

Somin stood, warily nudging at his ribs with her toe.

“Ya,” she said with another nudge. He didn’t move.

She nudged him again, so hard it could be called a soft kick. His head wobbled a bit, but he didn’t wake. She saw his swollen eye and winced, admitting to herself that he probably wasn’t faking it.

Not seeing any other choice, she hoisted Junu up, flopping his weight over her, piggyback style. His limbs were so long that his hands batted at her legs as she walked. She heard his feet dragging on the floor behind her. But it was the best she could do. He’d probably be pissed at her when he woke up. Claim that she scratched his floor or something. But it was really his fault for growing so tall.

When Junu was unceremoniously delivered onto his bed, Somin gave a grunt of discomfort and bent over to stretch her back. What should she do now? Probably just leave. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Not because she cared about Junu, she told herself. But he had put himself in harm’s way to protect her. She owed it to him to stick around. At least until she could assure herself he was going to be okay.

But first she needed something to help with her throbbing headache. She found medicine in the bathroom and took twice the dosage suggestion. She winced as she poked tenderly at the lump on the back of her head and went in search of ice.

When she returned to the bedroom, Junu lay flat on his back, his hands crossed over his belly. It should have made him look stiff, like a body being prepared for eternal rest. But instead, he looked calm and peaceful. Young, like he truly was a high school or college student. Not for the first time, Somin wondered how Junu had come to exist. The stories said that dokkaebi were made from things. Like vases or pots. But Somin had a hard time believing the lively, sarcastic, often infuriating being that was Junu had come from anything as cold and lifeless as a vase.

“Stop staring, byeontae,” Junu said without opening his eyes.

Somin jumped, her fist clutched against her heart. “I was just checking on the patient. And I’ve confirmed he’s just as annoying as when I left him. So I’ll be going now.”

“Stay,” Junu said, opening his eyes now. He watched her earnestly.


He smiled. “Would you believe me if I said I’m afraid of monsters?”

She didn’t answer, but she dragged the armchair from the corner of the room closer. There was no way she’d sit on his bed. Knowing Junu, he’d take that as an invitation for something.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, watching her intently.

“I was actually just thinking about how dangerous you are. A boy who’s never been told Copyright 2016 - 2024