A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,151

opening. Elspeth pushed him through.

The villain opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He fell to the earth below.

Elspeth threw her arms around Tavish’s neck. “You’re safe.”

“So are you.” Clasping her, he buried his face in her hair and closed his eyes. Suddenly, all the injuries he’d suffered decided to remind him they were there. He winced. “Ow.”

She let him go and pulled back. He opened his eyes to see her looking over him intently. “You need help.”

“Soon. I want to make sure everyone downstairs is safe and that the rest of the villains are in hand.”

She nodded, taking his free hand. “I’ve got you.”

“Yes, and I’m never letting you go.”

Chapter Eleven

As Elspeth helped Tavish walk downstairs, she was aware of every ache and pain he suffered. “You need to sit as soon as possible so I can tend to your feet. What happened?”

“Glass in the kitchen. I had to break a window to get in.”

“So you decided to dance all over it?”

Tavish was surprised he could laugh, but he did. “I had to fight someone.”

“What happened to him?”

“Same as Grover, minus falling from a window.” Tavish kissed her forehead. “You are a formidable woman, Elspeth.”

“He was evil.”

“Yes, he was.”

She guided him down the stairs and immediately surveyed the common room. Kent and Thane were bound together near the bar, while the other two were off to the side. One was the victim of Balthazar’s musket, and the other had been gutted by someone’s sword.

Aunt Leah rushed to meet Elspeth, hugging her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re all right.” Then she looked at Tavish and gasped. “You look terrible.”

Tavish gave her his lopsided smile before turning his attention to the other guests. “I see you all have everything well in hand.”

The young guest who’d sprung into action inclined his head toward the sword in Tavish’s hand. “Is that what they wanted?”

Tavish nodded. “Yes. As I’m sure you could all see, it’s a rather special weapon. Because of that, I would beg just one thing of you—and I know I don’t have a right to ask anything at all. However, there are many people who would like to get their hands on this sword for nefarious purposes. Men like Grover and his band. It would be best for everyone if this sword and its…abilities remained a whispered story, a myth.” He glanced at Elspeth.

She’d already agreed she wouldn’t write about it, and she never would.

“No one but those here tonight would believe it anyway,” the married man said, clutching his wife to his side.

Balthazar burst into the common room at that moment, his arm around Carrie. “She’s all right!”

Elspeth felt Tavish relax beside her. In fact, it was as if all the tension left his body. He began to slump against her so that she had to prop him up. “Help me,” she said to no one in particular.

Aunt Leah moved to Tavish’s other side, and together, she and Elspeth guided him to the nearest chair.

Elspeth knelt before him, then glanced up at Aunt Leah. “His feet…”

“I’ll fetch water and cloth.”

“And medicine,” Carrie said.

Elspeth looked to the serving maid. “You’re truly all right?”

Carrie smiled. “Yes.”

“That was a brilliant plan,” Elspeth said.

“Thank you.” Carrie notched her chin up with pride, then looked to Tavish. “Have you any idea how these brigands knew to come here in search of the sword?”

“I don’t, but I wonder if Dougal might be able to tell us when he awakens.”

Carrie nodded, then left the common room, presumably to fetch medicine.

Tavish let out a groan. “Are all the villains accounted for?”

“The grooms?” Balthazar asked worriedly.

“Unconscious,” Tavish said.

The sound of loud barking drew everyone to turn their heads. The front door opened, and the dogs rushed inside, followed by the grooms. Balthazar rushed to the animals, who swarmed around him.

“There is one villain missing,” Tavish said to Elspeth. “One of them ran off after the man outside caught fire.”

Elspeth picked up one of his feet and winced at the damage. Several jagged cuts tore his flesh. “Is there glass stuck in there?”

“I don’t think so. I pulled out a few pieces after I left the kitchen.”

She wrapped her hand around his ankle and looked up at him. “I’ll take care of you.”

He smiled. “My feet appreciate that.”

“Not just your feet, but all of you. That’s what wives do.”

“Wives?” Aunt Leah had arrived with a basin of water. She set it down next to Elspeth and stared at her. Another guest set down a small stack of cloths.

“Mr. MacLean has

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