A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,150

and kicked the first door open in search of Elspeth.

A feminine shriek sounded from the direction of her room. Tavish ran but had to stop short as the man called Kent came into the corridor. Brandishing his broadsword, he strode toward Tavish. The light was dim, but Tavish could see the menace cut into the lines of the man’s face.

Bloody hell. Tavish couldn’t use Lann Dhearg. He’d set the inn on fire for certain. Yet, if he didn’t use it, how could he combat the man? And he must fight to get to Elspeth. No, he must win to get to her. He’d just found love, and he’d do anything to keep her.

Lann Dhearg’s flame diminished as he moved forward. By the time he faced Kent, it had died.

Kent narrowed his eyes. “What happened to the fire?”

Tavish thought he knew—it was the love he felt. Lann Dhearg thrived on darker emotion. The key, it seemed, to controlling the flame was to feel something better. He focused on love and hope, letting the joy of finding Elspeth and their plans for a future guide him. He swung the blade with all his might.

Kent fell back as he parried. Tavish didn’t give him a chance to respond and struck out again. Pivoting, Kent caught Tavish’s blade on his. Tavish pushed him against the wall, their swords clashing between them. Kent’s pale blue eyes narrowed just before he spit in Tavish’s face. Then he shoved Tavish so that he sprawled against the opposite wall.

Tavish wiped his hand over his face and launched away from the wall as Kent turned, reversing their original positions so that Elspeth’s room was now behind Tavish. He was tempted to go and ensure she was safe, but he had to finish this first.

With a loud cry, Kent drove forward, swinging his sword. Tavish parried the blow, clenching his jaw as the blades struck, igniting a spark that Tavish feared was the sword starting to flame once more. He was relieved when it did not and concentrated on the love in his heart.

“No!” Elspeth’s cry from inside her room spurred Tavish into greater action. With renewed fervor, he attacked, pushing Kent backward toward the stairs. He was relentless in his pursuit, thrusting and swinging until he finally met the man’s flesh. Lann Dhearg cut into Kent’s shoulder.

The man screamed and dropped his sword. The blade clattered down the stairs. Tavish kicked out and sent Kent tumbling after.

The married guest, carrying another sword, ran to the fallen Kent. It was all Tavish needed to see. He spun around and raced to Elspeth’s room.

Elspeth’s lower half was outside the window. She clutched at the leader’s hand as he started to turn. “Grover!” she shouted.

“Don’t you let her fall,” Tavish said. “Not if you want this sword.”

Grover held a pistol, which Tavish hadn’t realized he possessed. He leveled it at Tavish. “I will have that sword, whether she falls or not.”

“It’s not Dyrnwyn.” Tavish felt a rush of satisfaction at the surprise in Grover’s eyes. “Your order wants Dyrnwyn. I’d tell you to inform them of their mistake, but you won’t be able to do that.” Tavish hadn’t wanted to kill anyone, but this man had made it clear he’d go to any length to get what he wanted. And Tavish still didn’t know what had happened to Carrie.

Grover’s dark eyes glittered in the light from the fireplace. “It may not be Dyrnwyn, but I will have it.” He let go of Elspeth. She wildly reached for purchase.

Tavish pitched himself toward her as Grover fired. Dropping Lann Dhearg, Tavish grabbed her hands and pulled her back through the window. They landed together on the floor, with him taking the brunt of their fall.

He looked into her wide green eyes. “Are you all right?”

She nodded, then pushed herself off him. Tavish leapt up and helped her to do the same. Grover had picked up the sword.

He frowned. “Why is it so bloody heavy?”

Tavish advanced on him. “Because it wasn’t made for you.”

“Get the sword!” Elspeth rushed at Grover and lifted her arm.

Tavish saw the glint of a blade in her hand, but couldn’t see what she did to Grover. He could guess, however, as Grover’s eyes rounded. The villain gasped, and Lann Dhearg fell to the floor.

Grover stumbled back. Elspeth stepped away. Tavish plucked up the sword, then saw blood staining the front of Grover’s clothing. The knife Tavish had left in his boot protruded from his chest. Grover fell against the window

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