A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,128

Of course. We didn’t get to that part, did we? There were too many things to share.”

“Particularly the kisses.”

She blushed. Then she took a step back, and cold air swept between them. “What happened to you and the sword at Culloden?”

He offered her his arm once more. “I was wounded, and I lost consciousness. When I awoke, someone had dragged me from the battlefield. I went back the next day, but of course, Lann Dhearg was gone.”

She put her hand on his sleeve, and they continued toward the inn. “You’ve been looking for it ever since.”

He nodded. “In the wrong hands, it can cause incalculable destruction. The fire it can cause is particularly hard to extinguish. If someone with evil intent were to wield it, there’s no telling what could happen.”

“Is Neil Kerr the only person with a firsthand account?”

“As far as I’ve found. Everyone else who has heard of it was either lying about having seen it, or it’s the same as the other men from the inn—someone they knew saw it.” He wanted to make sure she understood his intent. “Let me be clear: I want to find Neil Kerr to keep him safe. If he can help me locate the sword, I will be grateful. But that is not a requirement for my assistance.”

“I didn’t think it was. I’m the one who demanded a trade.” She grimaced.

“I thought you were flirting.”

She laughed, a lovely sound that encircled his heart with warmth and joy. “I probably was. I don’t have much experience with that, I’m afraid.”


She jerked her head to the side and blinked at him. “Jealous?”

“Maybe. When I accompany you to Dunkeld on the morrow—or the next day, if it snows too much tonight—I may want to find this cretin who wanted to handfast.”

A sardonic smile lifted her lips. “Don’t bother. He found a willing party. Their year was up in August, and neither wanted to continue. He decided to leave Dunkeld.”

“How fortunate for him.”

“What would you have done?”

He shrugged. “Just made sure he didn’t bother you again.”

“Oh, I quite took care of that.” She gave him a confident smile.

He let out a loud laugh. “I would have liked to have seen that. And I am not the least surprised. I should have known you wouldn’t need my protection.”

“It’s still nice to know you would have given it.”

“Any time, Miss Marshall.”

As they neared the inn, it seemed their gait slowed.

“You may call me Elspeth. And probably should if you plan to continue kissing me.”

“Will you allow me to?”

“So long as you don’t lie.”

“I meant what I said.” He bent his head and spoke next to her ear. “I look forward to more kisses.” He felt the tremor that ran through her and smiled.

She exhaled. “They shall have to wait as I must go check on my aunt. I’ll see you at dinner?”

“Yes. I think I may do a little exploring and see if I can learn anything about Neil Kerr. I do wonder if Dougal wasn’t entirely truthful, not that I blame him. He is clearly worried for his brother, as he should be.”

They walked into Balthazar’s yard, and she took her hand from his arm. “You’ll find him. I suspect you’re exceptionally good at that.”

He turned toward her, his body thrumming with desire. “I’m good at whatever I put my mind to, Elspeth. I hope you’ll remember that.”

Chapter Five

After dropping her gloves and cloak in her chamber, Elspeth knocked on the adjoining door to her aunt’s room. She was still working on reining in the tumult of emotions and thoughts rioting in her brain.

“Come in!” Aunt Leah called. “How was your walk?”

“Very nice, but I’m afraid it’s started to snow again.” Elspeth crossed to the window. “So far it’s light, but that could change.”

Aunt Leah sat in a cushioned chair positioned in front of the fireplace. Her room was larger and had a bit more furniture than Elspeth’s. “Do you think we’ll be able to leave tomorrow?”

“I don’t know. Mr. MacLean wasn’t sure either.”

One of Aunt Leah’s sable brows arched with interest. “Oh, you saw Mr. MacLean?”

“On my walk, yes.” He was already taking up a good portion of space in her head, and now talking about him almost made it seem he was here in the room. Which was silly.

Yet why else would her body be tingling? It seemed to only do that when he was around. Or when she was thinking about him, apparently.

All of this was ridiculous. She should still be angry with

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