A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,127

moment before pinning him with an earnest stare. “Yes, I want to tell the story. It proves Dyrnwyn—and perhaps the rest of the Thirteen Treasures of Britain—are real.”

“And then countless numbers will search for it just as they do for Dyrnwyn and the rest of the treasures. As they do for Excalibur. Or the holy grail.” He stepped toward her so that they were close enough to…kiss. “Do you know the lengths men will go to in order to find and own such objects? There is a secret organization full of dangerous men who spend their lives trying to hunt them down.” He stared at her. “Let me ask you something, and please be as honest as possible—I won’t think less of you.” Certainly no less than he thought of his own behavior. “Do you want to tell the story because you think it’s important for people to know, or because it will gain you notoriety for learning it?”

Her eyes widened slightly and her brows rose. She looked away from him, pulling her cloak more tightly around herself as the wind picked up.

“We should get back to the inn,” he said softly.

She nodded and took his arm once more, which gave him comfort—and hope.

At length, she said, “You’re right. I want to tell the story because it would be the greatest story of our generation. Perhaps the century.”

“I’m not right. I didn’t know the answer. That’s why I asked. I should have asked sooner.”

She looked at him askance. “Is there really a secret organization that searches for the treasures?”

“Yes. And they’re dangerous.” He met her gaze. “I promised I wouldn’t lie—that’s the truth as I know it. My uncle liked to tell tales about our family. It got him killed, or so my father told me when I was young.” How he missed his father, lost to illness more than a decade past.

Miss Marshall sucked in a breath and squeezed his arm. “I’m so sorry. I believe you. About all of it. And I…understand why you didn’t tell me.” Her brow furrowed, then she pushed her shoulders back and her face smoothed. “You can trust me to keep your family’s secret. I promise. We are in league together now, my lord.”

He stopped and faced her. “Please don’t. I’m still Tavish—to you.”

“Will you tell me something else?”


“How do you really help these Jacobites?”

He hesitated and saw her reaction—a darkening of her eyes and stiffening of her hand on his arm. “The only reason I’m reluctant to tell you—and I realize the same is true of Lann Dhearg and who I really am—is because the more you know, the more danger that knowledge presents for you. If an English soldier thought you could help him find Jacobite soldiers, he might go to any length to get that information out of you.”

She lifted her free hand to her mouth. “That’s—” She didn’t finish her thought. Instead, she lifted her chin. “I would still like to know, but I’ll understand if you don’t tell me in order to keep these men safe.”

“That is my primary concern.” He gave her a slight smile. “If I tell you, I’ll just have to keep you close.”

The darkness in her gaze shifted, heating as she edged closer to him. “Like this?”

“Perhaps a trifle closer.” He put his free hand on her waist.

“Don’t tell me,” she breathed as she put her hand on his chest. “I would hate to be the cause of putting someone in danger. Especially after all you’ve done to help them.” She pushed her hand up and cupped the side of his neck.

“Someday, I will,” he whispered just before he put his lips on hers.

He took his arm from beneath her hand and clasped her back, drawing her against him. She tipped her head back as he plundered her mouth. With every brush of her lips and sweep of her tongue, he recalled the kisses they’d shared in Dunkeld, kisses that had owned his dreams these past two years.

After several long moments, they parted. His heart beat a rapid pace. Her lips were kiss reddened, her pupils dilated.

“You are a sorcerer, I think,” she whispered. “Are you sure you aren’t descended from Merlin?”

He chuckled. “I am sure.” Then he stroked his thumb along her cheek. “I really am sorry.”

A snowflake fell and landed on her nose. He licked it off, and she laughed. “We should get back to the inn.”

He didn’t disagree, but he had a goal to accomplish. “I need to find the sword.”


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