The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,38

up and let his pants fall all the way off. After he kicked them aside, he turned me around and bent me over the edge of his desk. I felt the heat from his body envelop me completely as he covered me and whispered in my ear, “I know you’re lying.”

I shook my head. “I want you.”

And then that’s when I felt it.

He’d taken the wetness my body released from having his cock in my mouth and smeared it over my ass. I’d never had anal sex before, but I knew I wanted to with him.

I wanted everything with him.

“Are you going to let me in here?” he asked darkly.

“Yes,” I answered with no hesitation.

Three hours later, we finally fell asleep together.

Chapter 18


The sun peeked through the curtains, but I’d already been up for a while. Saveria was still curled up next to me and I wanted to stay in bed with her for the rest of the day. But, sadly, I couldn’t.

We couldn’t.

As soon as I woke up this morning, I fired off a text to the adults letting them know Saveria was with me and that we’d like to meet with them later this evening. I knew it probably caused some more unnerving wariness for them, but they deserved it.

I wasn’t stupid enough to believe that one night of sex and a declaration of love was going to undo all the emotions Ria’s been battling with these past few days. Whether they meant to or not, Ria genuinely felt betrayed by all of us, and that’s not something she was going to get over just because we were working our shit out.

Last night had been, hands-down, the best night of my life. My wife came home to me, and she hadn’t rejected my love. Instead, like the queen she was, she had demanded that I prove it to her. Words weren’t going to be enough for her, so she demanded I put my money where my mouth was and show her the truth in my words.

But in my quest to prove to her how much I loved her, she took me to a paradise I never imagined possible. Everything she surrendered last night had been another level of ecstasy I knew I’d only ever find with her. From eating her pussy, to ripping it open, to the way she swallowed my cock, to the way she whimpered and cried out as I sank every inch of my cock in her ass, it had all been more than I thought my heart could take.

Letting out a sigh, and knowing that real life still needed to be lived, I eased out of her hold and went to take a shower. I let the hot water wash over me and my back still stung where the scratches hadn’t scabbed over yet. I didn’t mind, though. They were a nice reminder that last night hadn’t been a dream.

Or a nightmare.

I couldn’t imagine anything worse than waking up to find out last night had not been real. If that wasn’t the definition of a nightmare, I didn’t know what was.

When I was done, I padded back into the bedroom and the clock on the nightstand told me it was a little past eight in the morning. I got dressed as quietly as possible and headed back to my office. I spent an hour going over all my finances and making a list of accounts Aunt Frankie was going to have to put Ria on. As per tradition, Ria wouldn’t have any access to the Benetti Family wealth, but she’d have complete access to my own personal wealth, which was quite substantial, not that Ria needed my money. She worked for Uncle Sal; she had her own money.

Walking back into the bedroom, Saveria was still sprawled out on the bed, the sheet riding low on her back. I sat down on the bed and ran my hand up and down her back. “Baby?”

She moaned and shifted against the sheet, hugging her pillow closer. “Hmm…”


“What?” she mumbled.

“Are you hungry?”

“No. I’m sleepy.”

I chuckled. “Ria, you need to get up. It’s past nine, and we’ve got shit to do.”

She finally rolled on her side and peered up at me. “What shit do we have to do?” she grumbled. “We’re on our honeymoon.”

I laughed. “Our honeymoon?”

“Technically,” she replied, her voice stronger, more awake.

“We need to move your shit over here and, considering the size of your apartment, it’s going to take most of the day.”

She yawned and then Copyright 2016 - 2024