The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,37

different from what I needed earlier. I wrapped my hands around his wrists and held on as I kissed him back. He growled, and what started out as a tender declaration of love turned into a fiery explosion of passion.

Francisco pushed everything behind me off his desk, laptop included, and his body crowded me until I was sprawled across his desk. He stood up and looking down at me, he shook his head. “I want to see your tits bouncing, but, fuck, baby, I really want to fuck you wearing my shirt.”

“I have a better idea,” I told him, my voice so aroused, I barely recognized it.

“Yeah?” he asked, a brow arched.

I sat back up and placed my hands on his bare chest. Hopping off his desk, he let me push him back until he was seated in his chair again. I smirked because he looked like he was doing everything he could not to grab me and take over.

I stood in front of him and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. However, instead of unbuttoning it all the way, I stopped halfway down, so he could get a good look at the swells of my breast, but the shirt was still on. Francisco groaned when I dropped to my knees, and it was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.

He quickly lifted his ass and pushed his pants down and over his thighs, his erection big, hard, and hot against his abs. I reached for it and when my fingers couldn’t meet, it was no wonder he’d ripped me in half. I was going to have to open my mouth wide to accommodate his size, and I wasn’t even going to pretend I’d be able to take him all the way down.

“Fuck, baby…” he hissed out when I ran my tongue underneath from the base to the tip.

I looked up through my lashes. “You like seeing me on my knees?”

His grin was wicked and sexy as hell. “Yeah. I do, actually,” he admitted.

I knew he would. I knew he would, and this was an exchange of power where I knelt before him, as an apology for all the times I challenged him in front of others. Now don’t get me wrong. I wanted to be here, and this was about pleasure too, but I knew me being on my knees before him would mean something big for him.

I leaned forward and took him into my mouth, his hands sliding into my hair, and I worked what I could with my mouth and used my hands to stimulate what my mouth couldn’t accommodate. He let out a string of curses, and it only encouraged me to keep pushing him farther down my throat.


I worked my tongue under the rough ridge underneath and created a suction I hoped mimicked what he needed. My body was ripped apart, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to take him again tonight, so I swallowed him in an effort to bring him to another type of pleasure. I had no doubt that, in our time together, we will end up exploring everything about each other, and I was looking forward to it. I was done having sex. I was ready to be consumed.

“That’s it, Ria,” he moaned. “Suck that fat cock, baby. Show me how much you like my dick down your throat.”

My mouth and hands began to work him frantically. I wanted to push him to the edge. I wanted him to remember how I had my mouth wrapped out his length every time he walked into this room. I wanted him to weaken even though I was the one on my knees.

“I’m going to cum,” he warned. “If you don’t want it, stop now, Ria.”

Fuck yeah, I wanted it. I swallowed him with a desperation that was making me wet. When that first spurt of cum hit my tongue, my eyes watered with the effort to take him all.

“Fuck!” His grip on my hair was so tight, I considered it a win.

I didn’t let up off his cock until he began to soften. When I pulled back, he was looking down at me with the same look as when he told me he loved me earlier.

I stood up, and he reached up to undo the rest of the buttons of his shirt. He didn’t take it off, but he opened it just enough to display my breasts. Staring at my pussy, he asked, “Can you take my cock again?”

“Yes,” I lied.

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