The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,24

one of Francisco’s favorite places, and most of us knew it. And, if I was being honest, I had spread my legs for him just yesterday, so who was I to judge anyone for falling for his looks and charm? And, if I was being completely honest, Francisco was the perfect man to help me work out these violent tendencies I was feeling.

I couldn’t deny I felt something for him. I admitted it the morning after I killed Trent. I’ve always been attracted to him, but…this wasn’t about that. This was about trust. I was supposed to trust him and my family with my life, but they obviously didn’t trust me, and that hurt.

I recalled how I let him finger me to orgasm on my couch and it was crippling to know that, for all my strength and independence, he could easily control me through sex if I let him get close enough. I had been reduced to my baser instincts, and I had no one to blame but myself.

And it had felt good.

When he had finally gotten tired of my shit and slammed me on the couch, the weight of his body on mine had felt glorious. I knew the second he stared at me from above I was in trouble. We had fought long enough that you’d think I would have felt spent, but that didn’t come until after he had taken me over the edge with his fingers. And I needed that…calm now. I needed someone to help me work through the rage that was every bit alive as it had been yesterday.

Oh, I knew Mica had texted him the second he knew where he was taking me. I knew the Benetti sentinels in the club had texted or called him as soon as I walked in, but I didn’t care. Everyone knew Francisco frequented this place. I dare him to say something to me for being here.

As I sat at a corner table, my back to the wall like I was taught, I noticed that, even for a Sunday night, there were still a lot of people here. But then, people didn’t reserve sex for just Friday and Saturday nights, I supposed.

When the cocktail waitress approached me, I asked for a reserved placard. I needed to go to the restroom, but I wanted to save the table because of its location. Once she brought it, I headed towards the restroom with Mica in tow. He stood just outside the door as I went inside to freshen up.

And to steady my nerves a bit.

I’d never done something like this before. With the exception of that one night with Francisco, I’ve always dated the men I’ve slept with. Granted, there’s only been three men in the three years since I was with Francisco, but they were still men I knew. Men I had dated to some degree. I’ve never had a one-night stand, and I’ve never just trolled for dick.

I was also afraid of being disappointed. I didn’t want someone who was going to try to make love to me. But I didn’t want someone who was only going to last for five minutes and care only about his pleasure. I needed someone I could use. Someone to release all these jumbled emotions before I lost my goddamn mind to them.

I stared in the mirror, and the look was more high-class escort than street-corner hooker. My dress was electric blue with a crisscross middle and fell just below my ass. I was short, but curvy. I had handfuls everywhere and this dress was accentuating those handfuls exceptionally. The killer matching heels were a nice touch, too.

I was just reapplying my lip gloss when a tall-well, taller than me-stunning redhead walked in. Her hair reminded me of a fire and her willowy blouse and black slacks screamed class. The outfit also boasted of a great body underneath.

She caught my eye in the mirror and smiled. “Hey.”

I smiled back. “Hey.”

“Wow. Your eyes are stunning,” she remarked. “Are they contacts?”

I was often asked that question. “No, they’re not,” I replied.

Her brows shot up. “Well, they’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I went back to checking my face.

“You seem familiar, but I’m sure I’ve never seen you in here before,” she said, continuing the chitchat.

“It’s my first time here.”

She smiled as she touched up her face. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a regular, but this place is great,” she said. “And, tonight, I’ve hit the jackpot.”

I buttoned up my clutch. “Lucky you.”

Her face lit up, Copyright 2016 - 2024