The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,23

there was going to be a shitload of casualties by the time it was over, but it felt almost like having to step back and wait until a fire burned itself out.

A magnificent, uncontrollable, burning flame.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I announced.”

“Where are you going?” Mom asked.

“I’m going home, Mom,” I replied. “I’m going home, and I’m going to drink every fucking drop of alcohol that’s in my house in hopes that I can forget this fucking mess for one night before I have to tackle it again tomorrow.” Her face fell, and I almost regretted my words.


I wasn’t as pissed off as Ria because I’ve always known what was coming for us, but I was pissed off. Yeah, I could have told Ria what was happening, but I had no reason to think our parents would steer us wrong. I followed their bad advice because it had been given with nothing but the utmost concern for Ria. Of course, I followed along.

And look what being a follower got me.

“Francisco, are you sure that’s wise with Luca…at loose ends?” Dad asked.

“Trust me, Dad,” I huffed. “If that girl finds trouble tonight, I’m the last person on earth she’ll reach out to. If she’s going to call anyone to go her rescue tonight, it won’t be me.”

“What happened to her being your responsibility?” Uncle Ciro challenged.

“She’s not my wife yet,” I reminded him.

Uncle Phoenix stood up, and I knew shit was going to turn south quickly. “If that’s how you feel about the woman you say you love, that’s she’s not your responsibility due to a technicality, maybe Sal Jr. should be an option.”


I held my hand up to stop my mom. I looked Uncle Phoenix in the eye and said, “Go ahead,” I challenged. “Give her to Salvatore. Give her to Sal Jr. and see what happens.”

“Stop it,” Aunt Frankie snapped, standing up. She looked around the room. “I think we’re all a little…unnerved right now, and maybe it would be best if we all took a breather before we make this situation worse than it already is.”

No one said a word, but we didn’t need to. She was right. Saveria’s hate was becoming contagious, so I walked out of the room before I could do anymore damage.

Chapter 11


I was out for blood and I knew it.

I was feeling destructive, and I wasn’t sure how to harness what I was feeling. The last time I felt this unhinged, I had killed Trent Hendricks. I felt like I was on a runaway train. I was on a runaway train, and even though the breaks worked, I was too angry to pull on them. Violence was swirling in my blood and there were only two ways to unleash it. I could kill someone again, or I could find someone and use them like I did Francisco the night I killed Trent.

Even after spending all night cleaning up my apartment and not sleeping for shit, I still felt like a live wire waiting to do damage to something or someone. I had resented having to call Geno and tell him we couldn’t be friends anymore in light of some new information that had come my way, and it had felt like another choice that had been taken away from me. We couldn’t even be friends at this point because of what I had been seeking in him, and that had pissed me off all over again.

I was still pissed off.

And that’s what brought me to The Sapphire.

Uncle Ciro owned four clubs-The Diamond, The Ruby, The Emerald, and The Sapphire. The Diamond catered to the very rich and very elite. It was basically a big boardroom with alcohol and food at your disposal. The Ruby catered to women. It was where you could go to unwind without being hit on. The Emerald catered to the party crowd. It was what you imagined a club to be on a Friday or Saturday night. But The Sapphire…well, The Sapphire was something different entirely.

The Sapphire catered to sex. It wasn’t a strip club, and there was no prostitution involved, but it was understood that, when you walked through the doors of The Sapphire, you were there for sex, and sex only. You weren’t there to find love or happily-ever-after. Hell, first names were optional at The Sapphire.

And it’s where Francisco Benetti found his willing pussy.

Granted, it wasn’t hard to find a woman who wouldn’t be willing to spread her legs for the man, but The Sapphire was Copyright 2016 - 2024