The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,88

press into mine, and my body responds. “You look stressed, though.”

I grab her ass and prop her up on the counter. “Less stressed now that I’m with you.”

Hank Kingston’s double-wide is a million miles away, and I realize Gabby’s opinion of me hasn’t changed despite what happened.

It feels amazing.

She feels amazing.

Things are too good between us to ruin it with talk of what happened earlier tonight.

Gabby wraps her legs around me, and I take a slow lick of her bottom lip. “You know what they say helps with stress?” I ask as I press my growing erection into her.

She rolls her eyes, a playful smile on her lips. “No, what do they say helps with stress?”

“Backgammon.” A beat goes by, and we both laugh. “Honestly, I have no clue how to play backgammon, but it sounded funny.”

“You dork.” She grips my hair and pulls me into a kiss.

This time, we don’t stop until she’s moaning my name and trembling in my arms.



Tank lets out the loudest burp I’ve ever heard, and we all groan.

“That’s nasty, bro. You’re gonna make me lose my appetite.” Olly shovels one more bite of stuffing into his mouth and groans in delight. “Amazing stuffing, ladies. You can stuff my turkey any day.”

“Watch your mouth. My woman will not be going anywhere near your turkey,” Tank barks as he leans over to kiss Bree.

We all snicker.

Rider sets down his plate with barely a crumb left behind. “That was the best pumpkin empanada I’ve ever had.”

“I call dibs on the last one in the kitchen!” Knox jumps up to get it, shoving Olly out of the way, and I smile. It’s amazing to be appreciated like this.

Bree, Sienna, and I put together a pretty decent dinner if I do say so myself. The guys didn’t want anyone spending all day in the kitchen, so some of it was premade, but we whipped together a few homemade favorites too and had a blast hanging out.

Even though I still haven’t heard from my aunt and likely won’t, today is the best Thanksgiving I’ve had in a while. Ben even texted me before he took off to hang out with some friends.

I look around at our group. The guys all treat me like a little sister, and Bree, Sienna and I have bonded since we’re all involved with members of the football team. Sienna has been tight-lipped about who she’s dating, but I know she’s embarrassed he won’t spend time with her publicly. Hopefully once the season is over, he’ll make her the priority she deserves to be.

I lean back into Rider, who has one arm draped behind my back and the other wrapped around Poppy.

“Sucks we have to get on a plane tomorrow.” Knox groans as he collapses back into the other sofa.

Rider lowers his voice. “You sure it’s not a problem to watch the munchkin?”

“Not at all.” I kiss him. “It’s just one night. We’ll be fine.” He hates leaving Poppy for away games.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

I turn back to the group. And find that everyone is staring at us. “What?”

Trevor laughs. “Y’all are pretty cute. All kissy-kissy and whatnot.”

“It’s true.” Olly nods. “I’ll admit I’m pretty shocked by the domesticated vibe you two give off.”

I make a face and sit up to grab my iced tea off the coffee table. “It’s not like Rider’s never had a girlfriend before.” What I mean to say is that it’s not like he’s never hung out with girls before, but whatever. Potato, potahto. I’m too tired to correct myself, so I laugh awkwardly.

“Rider’s not big into girlfriends.” Olly tosses a napkin at Rider, who bats it away almost angrily. I try to make eye contact, but he’s so focused on Poppy, it makes me wonder if he’s avoiding looking at me.

Did I say something wrong? Is he upset because I called myself his girlfriend? I mean, aren’t we dating? I don’t typically get naked in my kitchen for a man I’m not dating.

Or does he really not consider the women he’s been with in the past girlfriends? He said he’s never had a serious relationship, but Miranda certainly gave off a territorial girlfriend vibe, and I saw them together plenty over the years.

I don’t know the answers, and it’s not like I can ask these questions right now.

He didn’t call you his girlfriend with his father and now this, a little voice reminds me.

Suddenly uncomfortable, I scoot forward to grab my drink off the coffee table Copyright 2016 - 2024