The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,87

often this happens.

But when the man gets closer, I realize it’s that dick Jason. His eyes are bloodshot, and I can smell the whiskey on his breath. His two friends saunter up behind him.

“This asshole banned me from the football parties. Can you believe that? I used to root for you, fucker.” When he sways, his buddy puts a steadying hand on his shoulder. “Did y’all hear how he got stuck with that baby?”

I stiffen. It’s one thing to talk trash to me. It’s another to bring up my kid.

“He knocked up some slut.” Jason chuckles and then stage-whispers, “’Course, it could’ve been one of his roommates. They’re too fucking stupid to know for sure.”

Do not beat the shit outta him. I repeat the words in my head twice more for good measure. The last thing I need is to break my throwing hand on this dumbass.

I knew Jason was there that night, but by the time I got downstairs, everyone had gotten kicked out. Still, if the truth about Halloween got out, it would be a PR nightmare. It’s why we went through the trouble of having everyone we could sign those NDAs.

Ethel calls my name, and I stand. Jason’s eyes widen when he realizes how much bigger than him I am.

I lean in close. “I wouldn’t go spreading baseless rumors if I were you. Because one night you might come across a few of my friends, and I guarantee they won’t have the patience to walk away from you the way I am tonight. Especially if you mess with someone they love, and they all love my daughter. No one wants you at our parties anyway.”

“Fuck you, asshole. Jus wait an’ see. You’re gonna regret this.” His words slur together.

I repeat Coach’s advice—this moment isn’t worth losing everything I’ve worked so hard for. Keep it together.

Jaw tight, fist clenched, I grab my order as Jason’s friend whines, “Man, why’d you go and piss him off? I wanted an autograph.”

Good luck with that, asshole.

My jaw aches from grinding my teeth by the time I make it to Gabby’s. When she opens the door, her whole face lights up.

Seeing her somehow erases the shitty week I’ve had, that bullshit with Jason, and the fact that my father is an epic dick, none of which I want to discuss tonight.

It’s so good to see her that I pin her against the wall and kiss her until Sienna starts chanting, “Take it off!”

I laugh awkwardly. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”

“Don’t mind me. I was enjoying the show.”

Gabby and I look at each other and crack up. I kiss her again for good measure and lean down to get the bag of food I dropped when I momentarily lost my mind and tried to maul this woman.

“Thought you might be hungry.”

“I’m starving.” We unload the food in the kitchen, and fortunately, everything was wrapped well, so it didn’t suffer when I accidentally dropped it. “Po’ boys are my favorite. How did you know?”

For a second, I wonder if she means me. Because I’m broke AF.

“I pay attention.” I give her a wink and enjoy the pink that brightens her cheeks.

It’s late, unfortunately, so I know my gremlin is asleep. After I check on her, I return to the kitchen where the girls are talking quietly.

Sienna tugs on her coat. “Don’t wait up for me, kids.”

“Don’t you want to join us?” Gabby asks. “We can share my sandwich. I can’t eat it all.”

“Thanks, but I have a date! Be good and wear condoms! Toodaloo!” Then the little tornado whirls out of the house.

Gabby and I stare at the front door.

“That girl does not have a filter, does she?”

“No, but that’s part of her charm.” Gabby’s face flushes again, probably from the suggestion that we are gonna have sex.

For the record, I did not buy her dinner so we could get naked, but I wouldn’t turn down any offers.

She gives me a shy smile, and I lean back against her counter and stand her between my legs. She runs her hands under my jacket as I run my nose up her neck and breathe her in.

“Missed you this week.”

“Really?” Her big hazel eyes turn up to me, and I rub her nose with mine.

“Yes, really. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much.” I shake my head. “And I’m sorry shit’s been weird since we saw my dad.”

Her arms wrap around my neck and she kisses me. “I don’t care about any of that.” Her hips Copyright 2016 - 2024