Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,88

leaping from the tightness of his clenched fists.

Even I didn’t want to approach him, but I squeezed between Laurel and Kelsea and hurried his way, keeping my gaze downcast because his eyes were too much to take in. “Kyros—”

He blurred, gripping my upper arms as he loomed over me. A terrible growl filled his chest, and I had no doubt every vampire within fifty metres heard it under the music though I could barely detect the sound.

He released one of my arms and towed me out of the club. I struggled to keep up in my six-inch heels.

“Slow down,” I seethed as we made it to the street. He stared at the ground, his blazing eyes forming two green patches on the pavement.

He didn’t respond, dragging me to an SUV where he all-but threw me into the passenger seat.

The door slammed shut.


I’d officially pissed him off.

Glancing outside, I winced as he shouted in Laurel’s face.

Nope. I wasn’t having that.

I opened the door. “Kyros, Laurel didn’t know where we were going until we got here. I told her we were going to Black.” I focused on the décor of the club across the road, hoping that would distract him from my lie.

“Get back in the fucking car,” he said without looking my way.

“Don’t speak to me like that,” I replied, sliding out of the car.

He ignored me, shoulders heaving.

“Whatever,” I muttered. “Count me out of work tonight. I’m going back to the estate.”

I took one step in the direction of my usual black SUV.

Kyros slammed his hands either side of my head, and I choked on my scream, listening to the dull pop as the body of the car dented.

“Get. In. The. Car. I won’t tell you again.”

My insides quivered at the menace behind the words. My heart sputtered uselessly in my chest, my knees shaking in a way they hadn’t in a long time around Kyros. I dragged in a breath, unable to meet his eyes when they were blazing like this. It was akin to staring at the sun.

I shouldered him as I yanked open the passenger door. “What a jackass.”

He nearly ripped his own door off the hinges when he got into the driver’s seat. The wheel cracked in his grip as he gunned the engine and took off. I gripped the oh-shit handle as he screeched around a corner.

“Slow down,” I said, my voice shaking.

“But this is a thrill, Basilia,” he snarled. “You wanted your life in danger. Or else you wouldn’t have entered a club filled with my fucking enemies.”

I’d never seen him like this.

We screeched through Grey, and I folded my arms. “How about when you regain control, we can talk?”

“Enough,” he roared.

A scream tore from me as fear overwhelmed my senses.

Kyros didn’t stop. He didn’t leave the car. “Enough with pushing me away and wearing those glasses. Enough with living at the estate and calling your fucking past lovers. I can’t think straight, Basilia. And I need to fucking think straight or my entire family dies. You think the terror of hearing you’ve walked into that place leaves me in a good mindset to do what I need to do to protect them? What if Fyrlia had hurt you? What if I was picking up your fucking pieces right now? Do you know what I would become if you were killed?”

I was locked in place.

“Of course not,” he spat. “Humans have no fucking idea.”

Black filled my vision and I slumped forward in my seat, my vision blurring.

“I can’t even be angry with you because your human body can’t handle it,” he spat.

Reaching over, Kyros gripped my chin, forcing my eyes to his. “Breathe.”

I dragged in a breath that hurt my oxygen-deprived brain. A few more cleared the spots in my vision.

The car nearly fish-tailed when he drove into the garage, and I pressed fingers to my spinning head.

Kyros ripped my door open and pulled me out and into his arms.

Then we were running. I squeezed my eyes closed until I landed on a soft bed.

I stared up at the vampire, tugging my short dress down.

He shook his head, expression twisted and cold. “Stay here until I’m back.”

What? “You will not leave me locked in—”

Kyros left, slamming his door to his lair behind him. I was up on my heeled feet and at the entrance in an instant. Gripping the handle, I yanked.

My mouth dropped.

He’d locked me in here?

I kicked the door as hard as I could. “Possessive motherfucker!”

I was going to kill him.


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