Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,87

I assume our time will be limited.”

I took the seat across from her, crossing my long legs. “Did the triplets have anything to do with my grandmother’s death?”

Gina stared. “Now that I didn’t expect. A plea for us to protect you from Kyros. A way to escape, perhaps.” She laughed—a deep sultry sound that would act as a siren call for anyone vagina-inclined.

“Are you brave or stupid, Miss Le Spyre?” she asked.

I thought about it. “Depends how much I want to live.” I’d act stupid any day of the week around Kyros’s father.

A wrinkle appeared between her brows. “You expect me to tell you outright if my brothers paid a visit to Agatha Le Spyre before her death? Which leaves me to question whether you think I’m brave or stupid.”

“Neither,” I retorted. “You’re smart and tired.”

Her expression turned contemplative.

I leaned forward. “I’m certain I have something that would be of use to Clan Fyrlia. Or yourself, if you’re more inclined to a private deal. All I want is a simple yes or no.”

She perused me, one long finger tapping against her jaw. “The answers surrounding her death are worth a lot to you.”

“I won’t give you anything ridiculous, Gina. So be reasonable. There are other ways I can find out.”

Her blue eyes flashed. “Yet you came to me.”

I consulted my phone. “We have about six minutes before Kyros smashes down your doors. Best be quick about it.”

Had I ever felt him this angry? I couldn’t recall so. Nerves erupted in my stomach at the wall of wrath surrounding him. It was possible I’d severely underestimated how pissed he’d be.

She pursed her lips. “I know nothing about the events surrounding your grandmother’s death, but I’m your safest chance of finding out. However, doing so poses a moderate risk to my life. If my brothers were involved, they were working under my father’s orders. Asking questions could bring his attention and wrath on me.”

“I’m guessing your father’s wrath is not a good thing to have,” I said quietly.

Her gaze darkened. “Never find yourself alone with my father, Miss Le Spyre. He’s capable of acts that give centuries-old Vissimo nightmares.”

King Julius gave me nightmares too. “Noted.”

“In return, I ask that if Clan Sundulus wins Ingenium, you exert your power over the Sundulus royals to request my life be spared.”

I rested back, knowing our time was short. “I have no influence over King Julius. And little over Kyros.”

Especially in his current mood. I could only detect mindless fury.

“Untrue. I’ve heard that on occasion you deliver Kyros with direct orders.”

More like every day.

I hummed. “To piss him off, yes.”

“No one delivers Kyros with a direct order except a handful of clan kings. Doing so is tantamount to suicide. There are a lot of alphas in the world, Miss Le Spyre, then there’s Kyros. He could rule all Vissimo one day, but he’s a growing alpha. His control is still developing. Yet he allows you to command him. He listens. I saw him fight for you in the basement. Kyros should have been mindless with the thrall, but he was able to temper that enough to heed your warning, which shows that my eldest brother also cares deeply for you.”

Man. Forget meeting King Mikhail. Her analysis of my interactions with Kyros made me want to stay on the estate for good.

Her words interested me too. I’d wondered why Kyros behaved and was treated differently to his siblings. I’d chalked the difference to him being the crown prince.

It was possible I’d really, really misunderstood the danger of delivering Kyros with an order.


“I can’t promise my request will help any,” I told her. “In fact, I’m certain it won’t help at all. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer something more concrete in exchange?”

Her eyes glittered. “No, true mate of my elder brother. That is my request in exchange for delivering you with an honest answer.”

“Then you have a deal.” I stretched out my hand and she stared at it for a moment before shaking it lightly.

I had about sixty seconds to get as far away from Gina as possible. “Thanks in advance.”

“I’ll be in touch,” she purred.

Josie yanked the door open and I hightailed it out of there, hoping against hope I wouldn’t break a damn ankle on the stairs to the dancing level.

I was nearly to the bar when the dancing Vissimo scattered back from the entrance.

Fuckity fuck.

Kyros stalked through the entrance, green eyes blazing, and fangs lowered. His hair was windswept, the veins in his forearms Copyright 2016 - 2024