Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,122

from behind Theodore. “Our deal, brother?”

“Or a bluff?” a third voice added.

The remaining triplets slipped out of the shadows like the fucking eels they were.

I looked around.

This wasn’t where Theodore called from.

Though there weren’t stairs leading up to a throne, the long concrete room was just like King Julius’s chamber. His gave the impression of an ancient trial chamber in Egypt. This one gave the feel that a train could run overhead at any moment. As though blood was hosed off the concretes into drains each morning.

The ceilings were high and dripping, and the lights weak and dim. There was a wide stage along the opposite wall. Another set of heavy iron doors sat there.

Two exits.

We’d walked through a garage, multiple halls and levels to get down here. My chances of getting Tommy out by escaping somehow were nil.

I’ve fucked us both.

There was no Plan B. There wasn’t enough time to make one after figuring out they had Tommy. I’d spent all my time ensuring their trap was Kyros-proof.

The triplets regarded me, the tilts of their heads so eerily similar that I couldn’t help the shiver working through my body.

Slowly, I stood next to Tommy, inhaling. The dizzy sting of ammonia and sweet decay hit me. Bumps erupted over my arms left bare in my black tank.

“She’s scenting us,” the one on the left said. A long machete hung from his belt. “The rumours are correct. They’ve completed the fourth exchange.”

Theodore answered, “Yes, brother. Her balance is impaired.”

The vampire on the right was dressed in a death metal T-shirt. He grinned. “Her ears must be very sensitive. Tynan, do we still have those metal barrels from last year?”

Tynan wheeled away from the other two, leaving the dingy chamber.

All I heard was barrel.

What were they going to do? My heart sputtered and thumped in turn.

Trenit circled me, machete swinging with each step. “Four exchanges with a human. Kyros is no brother of ours.”

“Take care,” Theodore said, his gaze flashing to the ceiling.

There were others around? I assumed King Mikhail might take issue with Trenit’s statement.

“No matter. We will take care of the problem for him,” the other continued. “Perhaps he hopes we will kill her.”

They were trying to get in my head.

Whatever. I hadn’t come into this expecting to be saved. I just needed to get Tommy the fuck out of here somehow.

Tynan re-entered the chamber at a run, a large barrel between his arms. I staggered forward as my eyes and ears battled for control. Shit, I could make out running vampires. Not that seeing them running would help me if I couldn’t stay standing.

He set the barrel down and strong arms circled my body. I kicked out, connecting with flesh.

My head was dragged back via a ruthless grip in my hair. I gasped against the stinging pain, staring into hazel eyes. Theodore forced my head to look at where Tommy lay. The third brother held a knife just below her ribs.

“No,” I wheezed, stilling.

Theodore ran his nose up my neck. “You struggle, and we cut. Now tell me, what are you again?”

“Stupid whore,” I blurted, tears squeezing from my eyes at the pain erupting across my scalp. If he thought the words bothered me, he could think again. I’d call myself that any day to keep Tommy and myself from harm.

His brothers smirked as he dropped me into the rusty barrel.

My throat constricted as they sealed the top and I was left in pitch darkness. A tiny hole was opened and I felt around, shifting to a crouch in the tight confines.

Water poured in through the tiny hole.

Oh my god.

I stared at the water gathering at the bottom. They were going to drown me? Surely not. They hadn’t been anywhere near manic enough when Theodore put me in here.

This had to be the warm-up.

I managed to stay quiet until the water climbed to my chest. Panting, I called, “I’m disappointed. I expected a beating at least.”

Dying before Tommy was out wasn’t an option. My voice echoed in the barrel and I winced, covering my ears.

The water stopped.

Thank fuck.

I strained to hear as the cap was replaced, cutting out all light once more. Why were they so quiet? I lowered my hands.


I screamed as the clash of wood on the barrel exploded in my sensitive ears. Their laughter followed, and my hands inched to cover my ears again, my mind and senses in numb shock.

Shell shock.

They began.




The barrel echoed and rang without pause, and my screams joined into one endless Copyright 2016 - 2024