Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,121

want this plan to work.”

His fangs lowered and his fingers curled around the wheel. “Is that so?”

I didn’t waste time. Tommy’s life was riding on this. “Kyros can feel where I am at all times.”

From Gina’s cut-off sentence, I’d pieced together our destination. “I know you think that Kyros won’t enter your private territory, but—”

Theodore’s hazel eyes glinted. “He won’t interrupt us. Not for you. I guarantee it.”

Hesitating, I relented to curiosity. “Why is that?”

He barked a laugh. “You think he’d forfeit Ingenium for you? His family will die.”

Oh, shit.

I’d known the penalty would be steep. Not that steep.

Even then, Kyros would come. I knew that categorically. Our bond would drive him past the point of control.

“He will,” I replied on a breath. “I can feel his emotions, and he isn’t in control right now. You don’t have to believe me, but if you want this plan to work, you should consider the risk he’ll do the unexpected. I can prevent him entering your territory with a single call, but I need to make that call immediately.”

I expected more laughter, but really, out of the two of us, the vampire probably had a far better understanding of who he was messing with.

He ripped the wheel to the right, and I scrambled for purchase as the car skidded onto an on-ramp. “Who?”

“His siblings.” They could stop him. If they could get there in time.

“Do it then,” he snarled.

It gave me perverse satisfaction that Theodore was so scared of Kyros. With the solid black rage currently filling the vampire, he should be deathly afraid.

I dialled Safina without delay, not needing the triplet’s warning look to remind me what hung in the balance.

“Basilia,” she said in her usual clipped voice.

She didn’t know yet.

“Safina, listen. The triplets took Tommy hostage. I’m with them now and on the way to their private territory. Kyros is coming after me and he’s out of control. He will enter their territory. You know what that means. I need you to gather everyone and stop him.”

Credit to her, she took three seconds to process that. “Which of their private territories?”

Theodore rattled off an address at vampire speed, and my new hearing managed to catch that it was in Red—as far from the tower as possible.


“You all need to get there before he does,” I told her. And I’m sorry.

“We will” was the reply before she disconnected the call.

I put down my phone, surreptitiously making sure the GPS tracker app Fred insisted upon was still open.

“Well done, Basil,” Theodore purred, not slowing our murderous speed.

“You said Tommy would be freed if I came.” I crossed my arms.

“I said we wouldn’t kill her.”

“That’s a shame,” I said. “Because I just texted the address of your territory in Red to one of my staff. Before I left, I instructed her to call the media and law enforcement if she didn’t hear from me in thirty minutes. Your territory will be crawling with humans if Tommy isn’t alive and receiving medical care at a human hospital in the next twenty minutes.” Hopefully changing Fred to a woman protected him somewhat if this went pear-shaped.

Theodore smirked. “That’s a good try. For a stupid whore.”

I stilled as our gazes met in the rear-view mirror. My heart stalled at the unhinged light in his hazel eyes.

He licked his lips. “Do you have any idea what my brothers and I can do to you and your little friend in thirty minutes?”

“Tommy!” I gasped.

Theodore let me go.

I staggered through the heavy iron doors to where she lay in a heap, black dress barely covering her ass.

“Oh my god, Tom,” I whispered frantically, dropping to my knees beside her. Her pulse was steady. Maybe slow? I had no idea what was good and not, but she wasn’t conscious and her skin was cold.

Ripping off my leather jacket, I rolled her onto the warm fabric to get her off the freezing concrete and placed her on her side. I’d wanted to bring some kind of antidote with me, but Fred said the cures for drug overdoses had to be given intravenously.

“I like her better when she’s unconscious,” Theodore called, ambling into the room.

I ignored him, gripping her chin. “Come on, girl. It’s Basi.”

“Basil,” he corrected.

She wrinkled her brow.

It was enough. I could get her out of this somehow.

I had to.

Spinning in my crouch, I reached out a hand to steady myself. “Our deal stands. Get her to the hospital. I’m here. She goes.”

Bravado was worth a try.

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