Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,88

Isabella steps in. “We can handle this amongst ourselves without Don Mazzilli’s assistance.”

“Well, it would have been,” Nico replies again. “Until you fucked with Stellina’s family, for one. The second reason would be because you placed a hit on an associate of Dom’s. He didn’t get to his seat by keeping snakes in his garden.”

“What are you talking about?” Isabella hisses.

“Your little biker gang slip through your memory?” Stella asks.

Both Isabella and Cristian glance at each other in shock.

“You have no proof,” Isabella says quietly.

“Oh. We don’t?” Nico retorts this time.

“Nico, think about it. That was business. Expansion. That crew had mobile mules across the country. Their members aren’t scared of a few nights or two in jail. Let them do the lowly footwork and we whistle to the bank,” Cristian replies.

“And now, your confession just proved you tried to kill my husband,” Stella immediately cuts in. “You tried to kill my husband assuming that Adam would step in as head King. You thought that you’d be able to control everything once Isabella married him.”

“That’s not what Cristian said!” Isabella hollers.

“Oh, it’s not?” Nico retorts with a shake of the head.

“What. The. Holy. Fuck?” Chase asks.

He’s just as stunned as Chase even though they’d all knew it in their gut that either one or both of the siblings tried to have Derrick killed.

Rory’s jaw is on the floor and Derrick might have immediately sobered up. What the fuck, indeed. All of this! All this information bleeding one into the other. The whole fucking puzzle just about makes a picture now.

“You were a Romano,” Stella says Ariana. “You’re a King now. You are home, Ari.”

He may not have been the one to tell Ariana but hearing it said out loud washes him with his own truth.

Ariana, his angel. She’s his. She’s always been his. Meant solely for him. Heart, body, and soul. She’ll take his name until his last heartbeat. No matter the cost.

“There was a time when all I wanted was kindness from your family. You groomed me to believe that I owed my life to you when your father…our…father created this life. I used to pray every day that someday, I would do enough to be able to pay you back for a non-existing debt! None of this was my fault. Pietro Romano was just as much to blame for the affair with my mother.”

“I guess you got what you wanted then, Ari. Maybe we can both part ways in each other’s good graces, sister?” Cristian asks.

“Fucking pussy,” he hisses even though Cristian nor Ariana can hear him.

“Sister?” Ariana spats. “Now I’m your sister?”

“You always were. You know that, Ari.” It’s Isabella who takes a turn at the persuasion this time. “Tough love. Romanos have to be built tough. You saw how much perfection was required of Cristian and I as we were growing up. That’s how our family has gotten to where we now stand.”

“You took away everything I loved!” Ari shouts. “You touched and tainted everything I held dear,” she hisses fiercely. “Adam is mine! You’ll never have him! You’ll never touch anything I love ever again.”

“Uh…woah?” Chase comments.

“She’s amazing, isn’t she? Fierce,” he tells his brothers.

He grins at his angel’s words. It feels fucking good to hear her lay her claim. But she isn’t done. Far from it and he can feel her creating her storm. This is who she’s meant to be. His flower has just bloomed.

“And you!” she yells at Cristian, her finger pointing at him as if it were a sword to pierce and stab. “You drugged me with pills and needles. You gave me to men for them to use over and over again like I was nothing! Because you didn’t have the fucking balls or brains to make your own business deals. You fucking bastard!”

“Separate them,” Stella tells Nico. Quietly. Deadly.

Nico immediately lands a solid one to Cristian’s jaw, dropping the weasel to his knees before dragging him away a good distance. Cristian’s head lulls from side to side from the knock. Romanos are built tough. Ha! He wanted to spit on the fucking floor. If that’s the case, then Ariana is the only true Romano standing.

“Ari, I don’t care what you want to do with that asshole but this bitch and I have unfinished business,” Stella says.

“I’ll wait,” Ari merely says with a shrug. One that tugs and twitches his cock until it aches against his zipper.

“Isabitcha,” Stella says. “You touched my husband. You touched him without his permission. Without

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