Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,87

figures walk in through the same entrance the Romanos used earlier. He recognizes the four immediately. Leo, Lou, Frankie, and Silvio.

Seeing the four men have the Romanos’ men raising their weapons in defense. Dumb move. He and his brothers would have shot up the place by now then asked questions later. That’s how you stay ahead in this game.

“You can’t do this! You won’t!” Isabella hollers.

The bitch tries to stand tall on nothing but her pride.

“You think either King will let you get away with it. Especially if they find out that you touched me while I’m pregnant?” Isabella hisses.

“You’re seriously going to play that card, Isabella? Your desperation is showing. Didn’t I tell you that’s something you shouldn’t be broadcasting? Even if it were true. And who said anything about touching you?”

Stella raises one hand and with the snap of her fingers, her four men immediately execute everyone from the Romanos’ crew before any of them even gets a shot off.

The only two left standing are the siblings.

Cristian steps back into his sister, clinging on for safety like the coward that he is. Isabella, in turn, uses her brother as a human shield, pushing and shoving Cristian in front of her.

“I wonder if the bastard is even armed?” Chase asks out loud.

“Probably not,” he replies. “He’s arrogant and thought he was safe next to Nico and with that many of their men with them.”

“That’s why Nico is the one that brought them here,” Derrick says. His brother’s eyes never move from his wife.

And Ariana. She’s still sitting in the dark and watching. Not falling apart at the scene of a mass execution. With his eyes never leaving his woman, his ears pick up the sound of bodies being dragged away.

“My son. My niece. Chase and Rory. What did you have planned for them?” Stella asks. “They are Kings. Heirs to their fathers’ and brothers’ empire. Do you think you could just snatch that up by fucking Adam and Derrick? By raping them? I give it to you. You both have balls to try something no one’s ever pulled before.”

“Our uncle won’t stand for this!” Cristian yells.

“Your uncle is sitting with my grandfather right this minute. He’s being told what’s happening and what will happen to him if he has even the slightest objection,” Stella informs the two siblings who now have desperation written all over their face. “I promise you he’ll be watching your video too.”

“Our family will come for you!” Isabella hisses.

Stella laughs at that comment.

“What’s left of your family will be kept in line, as well as your uncle. Adam will make sure of that after he marries Ariana. Not only will the Kings be umbrellaed under The Five like the original plan but he’ll be stepping in and taking over the Romanos’ small empire too,” Stella informs them. “I promised you that your house of cards will tumble and burn.”

“Holy fuck!” Rory says. “Remind me not to ever fucking piss off Stella.”

“This?” Chase says. “This goes beyond pissed off.”

“They wanted power. My wife is showing them what that power is,” Derrick speaks.

“Brooks! What’s Stella talking about?” he asks. “How would me marrying Ariana equate to taking over the Romanos’ empire?”

“Gonna have to ask Stella and Ariana that. I don’t yap,” Brooks retorts.

Well, fuck him then.

Ariana stands up in the corner. Her hands are balled into fists along her side. His angel is so angry but she keeps in the shadows where she feels invisible and safe.

I see you. Every fiber of his being is calling out to her. I see you.

“Ariana has no claim to what’s ours. She is no Romano,” Cristian cries to Stella.

“Well, Dom and Matteo have seen her original birth certificate and DNA results. Took them a while to find people who your family didn’t kill off but it’s been confirmed,” Nico speaks from his seat.

Nico gets up and joins Stella at her side now.

“They’ve had the time and their own men make sure every piece of information is authentic from your father’s encrypted files. But you two could have saved them all that time and told them the truth. The only reason Matteo Romano is even spared is that he, at least, is truly ignorant of the fact.”

“So it’s true?” Ariana speaks for the first time.

She slowly steps out of the dark corner to speak to Nico.

“It’s true,” Nico answers her. “Your truth and your birthright are out in the open now. You’re a Romano.”

“Then that makes this a small family matter,”

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