Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,69

squeals as if she’d won a fucking gold medal.

“NO!” Derrick hollers. “No fucking way!”

“Let’s go!” Russell says, shoving clothes at Derrick and then throwing a set of clothes over to him.

He haphazardly gets dressed.

Russell’s pulling Derrick’s arms through the shirt and the man even hurriedly gets on his knees to help Derrick get his pants on. All while Derrick looks like he’s gone Thanos-mode and might just murder half the fucking planet.

“There’s time for breakfast,” Isabella says with that disgusting sneer.

She lets the sheet slide down from her breasts and he’s ready to vomit just looking at her.

“Not in your fucking life,” he growls at her.

To show her how pissed off he is, he reaches for Russell’s Glock in the holster and walks to the doorway. Point blank. One bullet between the eye of each of the motherfuckers guarding the door.

“Fuck you,” he growls his anger at the corpses.

“ADAM!” Isabella screams after him. “Get back here!” She didn’t give a fuck about her men dying because of her conniving.

“Come near me and I’ll burn this fucking place down!” he hollers back.

Sully catches him in the hallway when he sways and nearly hits the ground. He turns back to make sure Derrick is being taken care of and finds Russell half carrying his brother too.

“We gotta get you both to a doc,” Sully whispers to him.

“Stella,” Derrick says from behind them.

He locks eyes with Sully. “Find one before we get on the flight. Have that doc meet us at the hangar and tell him or her we want blood tests.”

“Adam, I have to tell Stella. She’s my wife,” Derrick pleads to him.

His twin looks completely devastated at the moment. They both hadn’t said one single word to each other the whole flight back. Thank God, Stella and Ariana weren’t downstairs to greet them when they arrived at the estate.

What the fuck have they done?

He watches the guilt and pain writhing behind Derrick’s eyes. The same eyes that are a reflection of his own. He’s sure he’s not doing much better hiding behind the mask that he’s so used to either.

“You’ll lose her if you tell her,” he shamefully tells Derrick.

Lying had come so easy before this. They did it to survive. This, too, would be a form of surviving because he doesn’t know if Derrick could survive without Stella. Derrick doesn’t know if he can make it if he loses what he’d just found again. Yet, lying about this seems too heavy a burden to carry. Not just for Derrick and Stella but for he and Ariana too.

“This isn’t just you flirting with some bimbo in the club, Derrick.”

“She deserves to hear it from me,” Derrick says solemnly. “I fucked up. I owe her that much.”

“We fucked up,” he corrects his brother. “We.”

“Mason,” Derrick calls out to his lieutenant.

“Boss,” Mason replies with apprehension in his tone.

“Let our attorneys know that if they hear from Stella in the next couple of days, they’re to give her whatever she wants. I’ll sign whatever she wants me to sign,” Derrick says.

“Boss, it may not come to that,” Mason speaks. “Stella can be a firecracker but she isn’t irrational. She’ll listen. She can forgive. At least wait until the blood tests come back.”

Derrick nods his head.

At least they have still had some time without Derrick immediately detonating.

“Even if we were drugged, I was with another woman. There’s no forgiving something like this,” Derrick says with his head sunken into his hands.

He can see it at that moment that the fight is gone from Derrick. Without Stella, the King in Derrick is lost.

He’s ten times as worried about his situation with Ariana now. Not for the first time since waking up entangled in Isabella’s arms and legs. The scent of the bitch still lingers on him and it has him repulsed and needing a shower to rid himself of the stench.

Not just her stench but the stench of guilt; the stench of his fuck up.

Not only has he fucked it up for himself and Ariana but he’s helped fuck up Derrick’s happily ever after too. Derrick and Stella, who’s fought over so much bullshit to be together. He loves Stella like she is his own flesh and blood yet he’s single-handedly stabbed her in the back.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

It’s been three days since Adam’s return from the business meeting with the Romanos. She can feel that something’s gone wrong because he seems colder, attentive yet distant. Their conversations have been pleasant but none of them seem…genuine.

Maybe the knowledge

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