Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,68

need to be passed on to future generations,” she answers with not one hint of emotion but he can agree with some part of what she says otherwise, what he’s been doing would be all for nothing. If they weren’t securing sunny futures for future Kings then what would be the point in all of it?

He can’t help but think about the possibility of being hitched to Isabella though. Divorce is almost unheard of with the Italian famiglias. He’d be stuck…under her thumb. Which is probably exactly where she wants him to be. No one said he had to be a faithful husband. But Jazzy would have to be stuck with the bitch too.

It’s impossible to picture his precious daughter having this woman as a role model. Whatever sins of his past, Jazzy doesn’t deserve someone so wretched. Underneath the Versace and Sephora, that’s exactly who Isabella is…wretched. Where Stella didn’t want the power, she’s earned and controls it. Isabella was given power and only craves more. Who knows what she plans on doing with it.

He leans back on the couch. Of course, she follows suit.

How long have they been here? How long have they been waiting?

The back of his neck hits the top of the couch and he turns his head to see that Derrick’s somehow already removed his jacket. His brother’s holsters are in view but the clip is still clasped.

It was a long trip. He feels the fatigue of it setting in just like Derrick might be. He smiles at his younger brother. Derrick used to be able to keep his eyes open over twenty-four hours if necessary. Their age is showing now, isn’t it? Or maybe Rian is keeping his dad up at all hours of the night with his teething.

His eyes droop too and he can feel Isabella moving next to him. She curls up against his side, resting her head on his shoulder as Ariana does even amid her sleep. But she’s no Ariana. She gives him no warmth. She’s frigid in the warm room.

“I can smell her on you.”

The words were spoken so softly. For a second he thought it was a memory, his mind reciting something he may have heard or read.

He feels the trail of wet kisses on his neck. Teeth scraping at his skin. How can he not smile when Ariana is being bold and naughty like this?

She hums when he pulls her closer, pressing his stiffening dick against her. Smooth legs swing over his hip while her teeth bite down on his shoulder as if she can’t wait to devour him.


There’s pounding on the door as loud as thunder clapping. It’s that loud. He’d recognize the angst of Sully’s voice any day and knows he better get moving. Sully can be extremely calm standing in the eye of a tornado so if the man sounds like he’s panicking then there’s a reason.

“It’s been five fucking hours! The club is closed! WHERE ARE THEY?!” Russell barks out this time.

That immediately has him opening his eyes. It takes a moment for his vision to clear but the headache makes him regret waking up. He shakes his head as if that’s ever worked to clear a hangover.

“Glad you’re awake,” she purrs.

He looks down and immediately locks eyes with Medusa herself because he’s frozen in place now. Frozen in place is probably how his men find him too because one gunshot followed by the sound of the door cracking and he can hear the silence drown out everything else in the room.

“Get them up! NOW!” Sully orders. Sully has two guns in hands now. One trained on each of the two men at the door. “Give me a reason to fucking pull the triggers, motherfuckers.”

Them? Oh, fucking no!

He snaps his neck past Isabella so fast it could have gone around the full three-hundred-sixty but he stops at a dead halt when he sees Derrick on the other side of Isabella. His brother’s leg swung over one of hers.


“Boss! Boss!! Get up! We gotta go! Get up!” Russell says, shaking Derrick awake.

When Derrick stirs, Russell begins bustling around and picking up their clothes.

“What the fuck?” Derrick asks.

Isabella turns to face Derrick and the bitch lets out a squeal.

He might have woken up first, but Derrick is who collects his wits immediately. His twin brother throws Isabella off like burning coal and immediately gets out of the bed. He follows Derrick’s suit even though he’s speechless and jaw dropped.

“Amazing night, boys! Twins!” Isabella

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