Until Alex - J. Nathan Page 0,17

most unwilling catch. And I was in no way immune to his charm. But I’d fake it like no one’s business. “First of all, I’ve never been introduced to Mr. 2C. And second, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think anyone actually uses the word hottie anymore.”

Hayden laughed, but it could have been a reaction to the women on stage who finished their song with a locked-arm bow. The one on the right nearly toppled over, taking her friend with her. The few people in the bar who applauded drowned out the refreshing sound of Hayden’s laughter.

“I guess I’m just surprised.”

Hayden’s eyes narrowed.

I lifted my chin toward our waitress whose eyes were still on him. “That girls act that way.” He didn’t follow my eyes, just stared across the table at me, forcing me to spit it out. “Our waitress. She was shoving her chest in your face and staring at you like she wanted to eat you. That just isn’t my style.”

His brows inverted as he leaned closer, his eyes focusing on my lips. “What is your style?” His seductive tone almost had me panting.

The waitress returned with our drinks, pulling our attention from each other. Thank God. The icy bottles landed on our coasters, and her hungry eyes landed on Hayden. “Can I get you anything else? Anything at all?”

He looked to me for a brief instant before flashing her a smile. “Not right now. But I’ll let you know when you can.”

Thankfully, she moved on to another table.

I lifted my bottle to my lips and took a nice long swig as a middle-aged man in cowboy boots took his spot behind the microphone. The music to “She’s a Hottie” exploded through the speakers and people in the bar hooted like the real Toby Keith had entered the building.

Hayden smirked. “Well that answers that.”


I lifted my middle finger to the side of my nose and scratched.

His smile widened. “You know…I would’ve taken you for more of a fruity drink kind of girl.”

“And I would’ve taken you for more of a body shots kind of guy.”

He held my gaze, his eyes unwavering as he leaned toward me. “I am definitely a body shots kind of guy. But I don’t discriminate. Honey, whipped cream, chocolate. They all work just as well.”

I took another swig of my beer, trying to swallow around the massive lump in my throat.

“How about you?”

“I like honey.” I answered too quickly to be casual.

Skepticism shone in his eyes as he shook his head slowly. “You’re too classy for that.”

“Am not.” A flush spread over my whole body. I needed to shut up.

He tilted his head. “I’ve seen the car, the clothes, the luggage. You’re high-maintenance.”

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms across my chest. “I didn’t take you for someone who judges a book by its cover.”

He dismissed my comment with the roll of his eyes. “Oh, come on. It doesn’t take a genius to see you’re the type of girl who needs to be wined and dined. Not treated like the main course.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t request a bowl of nuts.” I tilted my head and raised a brow. “I might’ve thought you were wining and dining me.”

The corners of his lips twitched, but he suppressed a smile. “I guess we don’t know much about each other, do we?”

“Is that such a bad thing?” I sipped my drink.

“Not if you’re lookin’ for a one night stand,” he drawled slow and sexy.

I choked on my beer like a flippin’ teenager. Nice, Alex.

Hayden sipped his beer behind a smile.

Feeling too vulnerable for my own good, I tossed open the song book and skimmed the endless songs. Some would surely get people on their feet. Others would clear the room.

When I glanced up, Hayden’s eyes studied my face. Just like in the pool, they didn’t jump away when I caught him. And seriously? Did they need to be so damn hypnotic? I held up the book. “So, did you bring me here to show me what you’ve got, or what?”

His dimples popped and his straight teeth gleamed. “Sweetheart, if I get up there, there’s no doubt in my mind, I’ll clear the room.”

“You could always just take off your shirt.”

He glanced down in contemplation, before shooting me a smirk. “You’ve seen the merchandise. What’s the verdict?”

I ignored his attempt to elicit a compliment. “Your voice can’t be that bad.”

He nodded adamantly. “It can and it is.”

“So, no duet?”


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