Until Alex - J. Nathan Page 0,16

door with an unceremonious thud as he pulled to an abrupt stop in the gravel parking lot—the one that appeared out of nowhere. “Christ. Who taught you to drive?”

Hayden’s laughter filled the cab as dust billowed around us. But I wasn’t laughing. Especially once he killed the engine and the dust settled. Because outside the window, I stared at a building with the neon signs in the windows.

He turned his body to face me, his dark brows bouncing. “So, you ready?”

“I probably should’ve mentioned this before…” According to the parking lot sign with the unlit E, we were at Jake’s Pub. “I’m only twenty.”

One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yeah. I figured.”

“You figured?” I crossed my arms. “Well how old are you?”

Genuine interest flickered in his eyes. “How old do you think I am?”

“If we’re here, at least twenty-one.”

Hayden smiled, neither confirming nor denying.

I glanced out at the old pickup trucks and motorcycles occupying the parking lot. “Well, I don’t have my fake ID. I left it in Austin figuring I...” My voice trailed off, realizing what I almost divulged. I met his eyes. “Do you have one for me?”

He shook his head.

“Is it eighteen-and-over night?”

Again, he shook his head.

I heaved a sigh. “I didn’t realize I signed up for charades when I asked you out.”

Hayden threw open his door with quiet laughter. I took that as my cue, pushing open my door. Before I could step out, Hayden blocked my way, his proximity overwhelming me.

He leaned in closely, hovering by my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck. His crisp aloe scent invaded my senses. “They don’t card,” he whispered, sending shivers rushing through me.

Then, as if he hadn’t just purposely sent my body buzzing, he stepped back.


* * *

Stale beer and badly sung music assaulted us upon entering the crowded bar. High-top tables filled the area between the door and the glossy oak bar that ran the length of the back wall. Though the room was small, the mirror behind the bar gave it a larger feel.

To the right of the entrance, a pair of older women sang Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive” on a small stage. They laughed and fell all over each other while squinting at the scrolling lyrics on the screen.

Hayden wove us through the crowd to the only empty table as far from the stage as you could get. I scooted up onto the stool across from him, hooking my handbag on the back and pushing the condiment tray to the far side of the table.

Hayden’s eyes scanned the room. My head whirled around, wondering who he searched for. Based on the clientele, his mother would be a good guess. Because the butchered song, the people filling the room, and the duet’s teased hair, black jeans, and rock band T-shirts, were a total throwback to the nineteen eighties.

A blonde waitress, in a low-cut black T-shirt that didn’t reach her belly button, slid a songbook and two coasters onto our table. “What can I get ya?” Her hazel eyes locked on Hayden, widening on contact.

“I’ll have a Bud.” Hayden flashed her a sexy grin before turning to me. “How ‘bout you, sweetheart? What’ll it be?”


The waitress’ eyes remained fixed on Hayden, while her tongue managed to stay tucked inside her mouth.

I cocked my head. “I’ll have whatever you’re having, babe.”

It visibly pained the waitress to pull her attention away from him. “Be back in a second.” I didn’t doubt her breathy words as she practically ran to the bar to retrieve our drinks.

Hayden arched a brow. “Babe?”

I arched my own. “Sweetheart?”

He chuckled under his breath while his eyes searched the room over my shoulder.

A twinge of jealousy clutched my chest. “Expecting someone?”

Hayden’s eyes slid back to mine. This time guarded. “What?”

“You look like you’re expecting someone to be here.”

He shook his head, a lazy smile sliding into place. “Only you, sweetheart.”

Something could definitely be said for his inviting glances and concise retorts. No wonder waitresses became speechless and girls willingly went home with him.

I lifted my chin toward our waitress. Her eyes jumped impatiently between the bartender and Hayden. “So, is it always like that for you?”

Hayden caught me in his mesmerizing gaze. “Like what?”

“Oh, please. She was practically panting.”

He leaned in, his amused eyes creasing in the corners. “So is this where you admit the guy in 2C is a hottie?”

I leaned back and crossed my arms, putting as much distance between us as possible. His mere gaze could entice even the

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