Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,30

“Yeah, well, today was my last day of self-defense classes and I wanted to say goodbye.”

“Are you planning on never seeing me again?” His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

“No! I just-”

“Sorry,” Jared said, shaking his head. “It’s just… the thought of never seeing you again, tears me up inside. You have no idea, how many times, I’ve woken up and believed you were a figment of my imagination.”

“Jared,” I whispered, “even if I wanted to go, I’m too wrapped up in you.”

“I don’t want you to be ‘wrapped up’ in me,” he murmured, peering at me with those chocolate brown eyes.

“What do you want Jared?” I asked, sighing.

“I want you to love me,” he whispered, barely audible.

“Oh,” I took a step back.

“Katy, you said you wouldn’t run from me,” he warned.

I took a step forward, so that I was back in front of him. “I’m sorry, I’m not running. I’m just… surprised.”

He clenched his jaw. “I’m not asking you to fall in love with me today, Katy. That’s not true love. True love, takes time.” He rubbed the back of his head. “One day, I just want you to look at me with love in your eyes, despite my past. I want you to know every dirty little secret about me, and love me anyway.”

Oh, wow.

Darn him, and his way with words. He always left me looking like an incoherent idiot.

“I- I don’t know what to say, Jared,” I stuttered, trying really hard not to run away.

“Don’t say anything at all, sometimes no words, speaks volumes,” his tongue flicked out, wetting his lips.

“O-o-kay,” I faltered.

Jared chuckled. “Anyway, I sent Holden to get you because I wanted to ask you something,” he lifted his shirt to wipe sweat from his face.

My eyes automatically drifted to his sculpted chest. He had that delicious V that dipped down into his shorts. I blushed, when I realized I was gawking at him like an idiot.

“Ask away,” I spread my arms, hoping he hadn’t noticed my blatant staring.

He grinned. “I train here five days a week, and I thought maybe a couple days a week, you’d like to workout with me.”

“I don’t kn-”

“Let me finish, kitten,” he winked. “You know, that Dan and Patsy took me in. I was an angry teenager, mad at the world and mad at myself. Dan brought me here, and taught me how to fight. I’ve found it to be much more therapeutic than talking to some shrink. It allows you to release your anger in a healthy way. Instead of bottling it up inside or taking it out on the people you love.”

What he said made sense. Maybe it would make me feel better to hit something.

“Okay,” I said, with a smile.

“Really?” He looked shocked.

“Yeah, I think it would be good for me,” I nodded.

“Great,” Jared grinned. “I’m here all day, Monday through Friday. I usually don’t start my one on one training with Holden or Dan until five in the evenings, so it would be great if you could come around the same time you’ve been showing up for your self-defense classes.”

“I can do that,” I nodded.

“So,” he rocked back on his heels, “will you come tomorrow?”

I laughed. “Missing me already?”

“You have no idea,” he murmured.

“Yeah, I’ll be here tomorrow.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” he grinned crookedly. “Let me walk you out.”

He held the door open for me and then put his hand over the small of my back, just hovering there, not quite touching, but close enough that I could feel the heat radiating from him.

Rollo was sitting in my car, singing along to the radio. I shook my head.

I stopped outside the driver’s side door and faced Jared. “I’ll… uh… see you tomorrow.”

He chuckled. “Don’t flake on me, that would make me sad and you don’t want me to cry, do you?” he pouted.

“I’ll be here. I swear,” I smiled.

“I’m looking forward to it, more than you can begin to know,” he leaned towards me, and like the other night, I knew he was about to kiss my cheek, but once again he pulled away at the last second. “See you tomorrow,” he murmured.

“Bye,” I said, getting in my car.

Rollo turned to me and shook his head. “Holy crap, that was intense. He wants you so bad, Katy, and you want him too. I can see it.”

I clenched the steering wheel in my hands. “I do, I’m just afraid of losing myself.”

“Baby cakes,” Rollo said as he put on his sunglasses, “you can’t lose yourself

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