Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,29

people not become like me. Overall, I’m the most boring person you’ll ever meet.”

“No, I actually find you quite fascinating,” he looked at me like he was trying to solve a puzzle. “So, you’ve got mommy issues… and I’d assume daddy issues as well, if he was never in the picture, but… I don’t think that’s the reason you’re so closed off.”

“No?” I raised a brow.

“No, someone else hurt you, Katy. But unlike what you believe, you’re not broken, at least not beyond repair. Just so you know, I plan on picking up all the pieces and super gluing them back together.”

I believed him, I really did, but I also believed that he might shatter me again. I knew if Jared broke me, I’d never be put back together, again. The pieces would be too fine, like grains of sand, not like the pieces of broken glass that they were now.


“Promise to call me when you get home,” Jared said, walking me to my car as we left Mario’s.

“I promise,” I laughed.

“I’m serious,” he said.

“I know you are,” I unlocked my car. “I’ll see you at Fight For It. The last self-defense class is this week.”

“I’ll see you then,” Jared said, leaning in. For a second, I knew he was about to kiss my cheek, but he pulled away and took his baseball cap off. He rubbed his hair and then pointed at me. “Call me.”

I watched him get in his car, before I finally found my legs again and got in my own.

It was late when I got back to my condo. I clutched my purse tightly to my chest as I made my way through the parking lot, through the lobby, and into the elevator.

I opened my door and immediately locked it behind me, leaning against it for support.

In just a few weeks, Jared Reed had managed to completely turn my world upside down. I think I would be okay if it never turned right side up again.


THE LAST SELF-DEFENSE CLASS CAME TO A CLOSE. I was honestly happy that I had went to them, instead of chickening out. However, I was afraid that I would forget everything if I was ever in a situation like ‘the event’ again. Panic, usually turned my brain to mush and all rational thought went out the window.

The room started to clear out and Todd began to pack up the mats and suits. I fixed my ponytail, since little hairs kept escaping and falling in my face.

“Ready, baby cakes?” Rollo asked, holding out my purse.

“Almost,” I said, straightening my shirt. “Now I’m good,” I took my purse and slung it over my shoulder.

Rollo chuckled. “Does this primping have something to do with Jare-bear?”

“No!” I blushed.

“Puh-lease,” Rollo rolled his eyes. “You’re not fooling me. Give me your keys, I’ll head on out and you can see lover boy.”

“Here,” I shoved my keys into his hands. “Get out of here before I do something irrational like haul off and hit you.”

“Love you, too, baby cakes,” Rollo sauntered out the door.

I was turning around to go find Jared, when I walked into a wall of muscle. I started to fall and the guy reached out and grabbed me. I knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me, but I kicked him in the knee anyway. I guess the self-defense classes had worked.

The guy fell down.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! You scared me!”

“Not a problem,” the guy said, standing. His face was red with embarrassment. “Jared told me to come get you. He didn’t warn me about your kicking abilities though.”

“I’m really sorry,” I said in horror.

“Not a problem. I’m Holden; my douche-bag best friend didn’t bother to introduce us. Maybe, if he had, my pride wouldn’t be hurt right now,” he said with a chuckle, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

“Katy,” I said.

“Oh, I know who you are,” Holden smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Jared won’t shut up about you.”

“Dude!” Jared said, coming up behind Holden.

Holden gave me a sheepish look, muttered, “Busted,” and high-tailed it away from Jared.

Jared watched his friend leave, before, grinning at me. “Sometimes, I really wonder why I’m friends with him.”

“I ask myself that every day, when it comes to Rollo,” I leaned against the cement wall. “But my life would be awfully dull without him.”

“True, very true,” Jared smiled.

“I was just coming to find you when I bumped into Holden,” I said.

“Really?” Jared raised a brow. “Normally, I’m the one tracking you down.”

I laughed.

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