Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,127

blonde smiled.

“Can you believe it guys? I’m going to have a daughter,” Kane said.

Jared chuckled. “You were the last one of us I ever pictured having a kid.”

“Do you have a name picked out?” I asked.

“Lilly,” she smiled. “Oh, how rude of me, I’m Lacey, and you’re?”

“Katy,” I answered.

“My girlfriend,” Jared kissed my cheek.

“Awww, you two are so cute together!” She cried.

“I’m Kane,” he leaned out of his chair to wave at me.

I laughed. “I kind of figured that out.”

Kane chuckled. “Yeah, all the yelling probably tipped you off there.”

“So, when’s the baby due?” I asked.

“Two more weeks,” Lacey frowned. “I don’t think I can stand this for one more day, let alone two more weeks.”

“Well,” I shrugged, “at least at the end of it, you’ll have a baby in your arms.”

“That’s very true,” she smiled. “I can’t wait to see her. I hope she has Kane’s dark hair and not my blond hair.”

“I just hope she likes me,” Kane said and we all laughed.

“Of course she’ll like you,” Lacey patted his cheek. “You’re her daddy.”

“Are ya’ll prepared for all the crying, diaper changes, and no sleep?” Eva asked.

“Kane’s a night owl, so he gets that shift,” Lacey giggled.

“By myself?” Kane looked scandalized.

“You’ll do fine,” she said.

“That’s easy to say now! There’s no baby yet!”

“We’ll discuss this later, Kane. Tonight, we’re having fun with our friends,” Lacey smiled.

We all stayed relatively quiet as we watched the sun set.

The sky turned from orange, to red, to the deepest purple, before the night sky completely took over. The stars twinkled above and the bonfire roared behind us.

Someone started playing music and the people around us started dancing.

Jared kissed my neck, sending tingles down my spine. “I want you to dance with me,” he crooned.

A part of me wanted to say no, but I pushed it down.

“Okay,” I gulped.

Jared pulled me up and we joined the crowd of dancing couples.

He turned me around, so that my back was against him. His hand gripped my stomach and he whispered huskily in my ear, “Move with me.”

He started rotating his hips and I froze.

His hand on my stomach slid down to my hip, his other hand reached out for my other side. I was completely flush against him, my breath coming out in stutter gasps.

“Just like this,” he started moving my hips with his hands. His chin rested on my shoulder. “You’re safe with me, Katy,” he assured.

“I know,” I reached my hand back, wrapping it around his neck as he continued to move my hips.

“You’re a natural,” he growled, lightly biting my earlobe.

I smiled as he removed his hands; I kept circling my hips to the song.

I knew then, that I wanted Jared tonight, in every way.

As we danced, fireworks broke out across the night sky in celebration.

The reds, blues, and whites, looked beautiful as they reflected off the ocean.

The firework show lasted for thirty minutes.

When it was over, the bonfires were extinguished.

We said goodbye to Jared’s friends, and I exchanged numbers with Eva and Lacey.

Holden, Rollo, Piper, Jared, and I headed back to the hotel.

Rollo grabbed my elbow and pulled me away from the group. Jared looked back for me, but when he saw that I was with Rollo, he continued on his way.

“You’re glowing,” Rollo looked me up and down. “Have you…?” He cleared his throat.

“No, but I want to… tonight,” I blushed at my admission.

Rollo grinned, waggling his eyebrows, “Go get him baby cakes, and give him the best night of his life.”

I quickly hugged Rollo before jogging to catch up to Jared.

Jared smiled at me. “You were amazing tonight, with my friends.”

“They’re awesome,” I replied, smiling up at him. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I thought about what I was about to do.

“And thank you for dancing with me,” he kissed me, “best night of my life.”

He had no idea how much better it was about to get.

We were quiet as we stepped into the elevator with the others.

I watched the numbers grow higher.

With each level that we went up, my heart skipped a beat.

“See you in the morning,” Rollo squeezed my hand in passing.

“See ya,” Piper smiled, knowingly.

“Later,” Holden muttered.

Jared slid the key card into the door. It beeped merrily.

As soon as it was closed behind us, I jumped into his arms, kissing him like I was starved.

He gripped my waist so I didn’t fall.

We fell onto the bed, a tangle of limbs. It might not have been graceful, but I didn’t care.

This was Jared.


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