Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,126

over there. You wanna go meet them?” Jared asked, nodding to a couple sitting close together, a little ways from the bonfire.

I bit my lip in nervousness; they looked like they wanted to be alone, and so I told Jared that.

He laughed, “They won’t mind, kitten. Stop making excuses.”

I groaned as he pulled me up from where I was sitting in the sand. I brushed my jeans off, before taking his hand.

Jared approached the couple, clearing his throat.

“Hey, Jare,” the blonde guy said. He had clear green eyes and a nice smile. He had the typical look of a surfer.

“Jason, long time no see,” Jared sat down. Instead of having me sit beside him, he pulled me onto his lap, cradling me against his chest. “Eva,” he nodded at the woman with pretty chestnut hair. She smiled pleasantly at me.

“I’m Katy,” I said, not bothering to let Jared introduce me to them.

“We figured,” Eva said. “Whenever Jared talks to Jason anymore, he’s always talking about you.”

I looked up at Jared. Even his dark stubble couldn’t hide his flaming red cheeks.

“It’s nice to see Jare finally find someone,” Eva looked between the two of us. “He deserves it.”

“Yeah, you do man,” Jason, said. “Katy,” he nodded to me.

“Are you enjoying the beach?” Eva asked.

“It’s lovely,” I said.

“It’s even nicer when it isn’t so crowded,” Eva looked down the beach where more bonfires and people were visible.

“What are you two doing over here by yourselves, anyway?” Jared asked.

“Eva wanted to watch the sunset,” Jason took a sip of his beer.

Eva looked at me. “I always think there’s nothing better than watching the sun set over the ocean.”

“I completely agree,” I smiled, feeling completely at ease. I could see myself becoming friends with Eva.

“Are Kane and Lacy coming?” Jason asked.

“Kane said they were,” Jared shrugged, jostling me.

Jason snorted. “They’ll probably get here once everyone’s packed up for the night. Kane never could be on time for anything. He’ll probably miss the birth of his kid.”

“That’s not nice,” Eva smacked Jason’s shoulder.

“It’s true, babe,” Jason kissed her.

At that moment, we heard a booming voice cry, “The par-tay has arrived.”

“Kane,” Jared and Jason said simultaneously.

I turned to see a tall, lanky guy, with a spiky black faux-hawk approach us. His arm was slung across the shoulders of a pretty, very pregnant, blonde.

Behind them, I could see Holden talking to Jay. Piper and Rollo were roasting marshmallows.

“Hey, Kane,” Jason raised his beer in greeting.

“Where can I get one of those,” Kane pointed to the bottle.

The blonde tapped his chest. “No drinking, Kane. You have to drive us home. You know I can’t fit behind the steering wheel anymore.”

“Baby, one beer won’t make me drunk,” he pleaded.

“I don’t care,” she crossed her arms over her chest, standing her ground. “If you take one sip of a beer, I’ll get someone else to drive me home and change the locks on the door. We’re about to have a baby, it’s about time you grew up.”

Jared leaned forward, whispering in my ear, “They’ll be at it all night, now.”

Kane made a face and stomped forward like a petulant child.

The blonde shook her head, waddling forward.

“Kane! You didn’t bring my chair! Go back to the car and get it! If I squat down in this sand, I’ll never get back up.”

“Fuck!” Kane threw his hands in the air. “I can’t wait for this kid to pop out already.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you knocked me up!” she yelled at him as he walked away.

She looked down, realizing that I was a stranger to her and blushed. “I’m sorry, I’m not normally like this. It’s these damn pregnancy hormones. One minute I want to ride the man, the next I want to strangle him. And I’m so hot all the time,” she fanned herself. “And my feet are swollen!” She looked down at her flip-flop clad feet.

Kane came back with a folded up chair. He opened it up, digging it down into the sand for stability. He surprised me by helping her into the chair. Kane had brought himself a chair, and fixed it next to hers.

“Thank you,” she said, leaning over and kissed his cheek.

“Damn mood swings,” Kane grumbled, but his words had less bite, because of his smile.

She laughed. “Oooh, the baby’s kicking,” she grabbed his hand, putting it to her stomach.

Kane grinned. “This never ceases to amaze me.”

Jason chuckled at his friend. “Did ya’ll find out if it’s a boy or girl?”

“It’s a girl,” the

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