Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,114

up to leave, he said, “Take your pussy with you.”

“Rollo!” I shrieked again, but picked up Mable and disappeared into my room.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a loose pale pink sweater before pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

“I’m ready,” I called out to Rollo.

Mable was curled up on my bed asleep, but at my words, her eyes cracked. She knew I was leaving and was not too happy about it.

I grabbed my keys and purse.

Rollo directed me to the apartment he was interested in. It wasn’t far from my condo and close to the campus.

“It looks nice,” I said, appraising the outside.

“While you were changing I called the owner and he said he’d be here to show us in,” Rollo unbuckled his seatbelt, hopping out of the car.

I did the same, following him onto the sidewalk.

The apartment he was interested in was on the second floor.

A kind looking older man was waiting outside the door.

Rollo said a few words to him and the man opened the door, ushering us inside.

“I’ll be out here while ya’ll look around and I’ll lock up behind ya,” he smiled.

The apartment was larger than I’d realized, larger than my condo.

It had two bedrooms and a large bathroom. It even had a dining room, which was something I wish I had.

The finishing’s were all brand new, although not top of the line. It was clean and looked like a place Rollo would live.

“What do you think?” Rollo asked, after I’d explored every room.

“Honestly?” I asked and his smile dropped at the corners.

“Of course. I always want your honest opinion,” he replied.

I smiled. “I love it, Rollo. It’s so you. It’s perfect,” I looked around the open living-dining-kitchen area.

“Are you sure?” he asked, already smiling.

“Positive,” I said and Rollo began to clap before hugging me.

“As soon as we get in the car, I’m going to call my parents,” he told me.

The man was waiting outside the door like he said he would. Rollo stopped to tell him that he hoped to be calling him this evening or tomorrow morning.

While Rollo was talking to his parents, I got a call from Jared, wanting to know if I wanted to go out to dinner.

“I’m hanging out with Rollo,” I said, sadly. I wanted to go out with Jared, but Rollo was my best friend, and I had been neglecting him far too much. He’d been my rock, and just because I had Jared now, didn’t mean I should just drop him into a pond, so to speak.

“We can go out as a group then,” Jared said. “You, me, Karlie, Holden, and Rollo. It’ll be fun.”

“Uh-” I stalled.

“Is that Jare-bear?” Rollo asked, poking my shoulder. I hadn’t noticed him hang up his phone.

“Yeah,” I said, but before the words all the way out he was taking the phone from me.

“I don’t know what you asked,” Rollo said to Jared, “but her answer is yes.” I could hear Jared’s deep rumble, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. “Oooh, dinner as a group. That’ll be great… That’s perfect.” Rollo hung up the phone and dropped it onto the center console. “You’re welcome,” he winked. “We’re going to go to that new buffet so that everybody can get what they want.”

“What time?” I asked.

“Now,” he said, looking at me like I was an idiot.

I drove to the buffet restaurant and we waited in the car for the others to arrive.

The buffet was loud and crowded but the food was delicious. When we finished eating, Karlie said she wanted to see a movie. We all ended up going. It had been a long time since I’d been to an actual movie theater.

Jared sat beside me, holding my hand and sharing his popcorn.

There could be an edge to him, especially when he was in a fight, but at the end of the day, he was a romantic.

As were leaving the movie, Jared said to the group of us, “What are we going to do for Katy’s birthday?”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” I cried.

“Why?” Jared asked puzzled. “Birthdays are meant to be celebrated,” he pushed the door open and we exited onto the street.

Rollo spoke up for me. “Her birthday is a sore spot for her. Either her mother didn’t remember, or she turned it into a big extravaganza for her own selfish reasons.”

Jared looked at me with pity and I squirmed in his grasp. I didn’t want him or anybody else to pity me. “Katy,” he said, softly. “This is us,”

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