Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,113

Jared said. “She looked mad that she’d been by herself for so long.”

“I’m sure she was,” I scratched the cat behind her ears. “I never leave her alone for that long and I always bring her with me, when I’m over here. She’s spoiled.”

“She’s definitely that,” Jared said, tidying up the kitchen. I’d already cleaned it but I was discovering that Jared had a small case of OCD. He liked to have things a certain way.

“Ready for bed?” he asked, turning the light off in the kitchen.

It was kind of early to go to bed, but I was exhausted from the day I had experienced. “Yeah, I am,” I stood, picking up Mable and following him up to bed.

As I was drifting off to sleep, I felt Jared’s mouth against my ear. “I’ll always protect you, no matter what,” he whispered.



“Why do you say that?” I asked, picking up my water and taking a drink.

He pointed to the TV. “All we’re doing is watching Criminal Minds in your condo and your stupid cat keeps biting me. She must know I don’t like pussy.”

I snorted and spewed water across the coffee table. “Rollo!”

“What?” He asked, innocently.

“You know what,” I laughed, getting up, and returning with a paper towel to clean the mess I had made.

I tossed the paper towel in the trash and sat back down.

“Everyone else is off at the beach,” Rollo grumbled. “Even Piper left. I hate feeling like the most boring person ever.”

“You’re far from boring, Rollo,” I ruffled his blonde fro affectionately. He smiled at the touch. It had been a long time since I had touched my best friend so casually.

“Thanks baby cakes. I needed to hear that,” he said. “Ow!” he cried. “Tell your cat to stop biting me.”

“No, Mable! That’s not nice!” I scolded the cat, picking her up, and putting her on my lap.

“That cat is the devil’s spawn,” Rollo glared at her.

I held her close my chest, kissing the top of her head. “No, she’s not. She’s a sweetie. She just senses that you don’t like cats and she takes offense.”

“Ugh, enough talk about that crazy pussy.” Rollo pinched the bridge of his nose. “Promise me that the next time, we have a break, we’ll actually do something fun.”

“Jared mentioned going to the beach for Memorial Day. He said his friends always have a bonfire on the beach and there’s fireworks,” I said while playing with Mable’s paws. They were so little and cute.

“That sounds fabulous,” Rollo said. “I need to get away. I can’t wait for summer. I need a break.”

“But won’t you have to go to your parent’s for the summer?” I asked, puzzled.

“No,” a grin spread across his face. “They’re buying me an apartment.”

“What?” I gasped. “That’s awesome!”

“They said that two years was long enough for me to have to suffer at the dorms aaaannnnndddd,” he drew the word out dramatically, “they’re getting me a car too.”

“Yay!” I squealed, hugging him.

“I am so happy I won’t have to spend another year in that dorm. I might die,” he joked.

“When are you going to start apartment hunting?” I asked.

“I already have,” Rollo shrugged. “I’m hoping to convince them to let me move in before the semester is over.”

I laughed. “Good luck with that.”

Rollo’s parents were by far better and more supportive than my mom, but they were still weird.

“Eh,” Rollo shrugged his shoulders, “you never know. I might as well try.”

“If you want me to go look with you, let me know.”

“Actually,” Rollo’s blue eyes lit up, “there’s one I really love. We’re not doing anything, so let’s swing by and take a look. You know I value you’re opinion, baby cakes. Plus, if my parents know you like it, it’ll go a long way, in convincing them to buy it. You know, they’re convinced we’re gonna get married one day, despite the fact that I’ve told them I’m gay.”

I laughed at that. “I guess they’re hoping that if you hang out with me long enough, you’ll become straight.”

“I don’t know what they think… at least they’re not hostile about it, you know?”

I nodded, patting his arm.

Rollo had come out to his parents just before we graduated high school. They’d been shocked, his mother had cried for days, but they never said anything rude or condescending to him.

“Let me go get changed,” I motioned to my sweats and tank, “and then we’ll go take a look.”

“Thank you, baby cakes.” When I stood

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