Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,105

start licking her paws. I chuckled at her cuteness and got dressed before Jared came back.

Jared pushed open the bedroom door and stood there with his legs crossed at the ankle, leaning against the jamb.

His navy sweatpants hung off his hips and his long sleeved gray shirt was glued to his muscles, leaving nothing to the imagination. His hair was still damp and his face freshly shaved.

“I’m going to go start breakfast. You wanna help?” he asked.

“I’d love to help.” I grabbed Mable and carried her down the stairs, behind Jared.

I set Mable down on the floor and let her scamper about. Jared filled a small bowl with cat food and put it down for her.

“What do you want to make?” I asked him as he pulled out different ingredients and bowls.

“Pancakes,” he answered, already measuring out the ingredients into a mixing bowl. He handed the bowl and a wooden spoon to me. “Stir that together.”

“Yes, sir,” I said in a deep voice and he laughed, which was my goal. I loved the husky, warm, sound of his laugh.

I stirred the pancake mixture together and handed it to him.

He poured perfect circles out onto the hot griddle. I don’t know how, but he managed to keep them all the same size.

“I smell something delicious,” Karlie said from behind me.

I hadn’t heard her come down and the sound of her voice scared me. I jumped, grabbing Jared’s arm for protection.

“It’s okay,” Jared said to me in a soothing voice.

“I’m sorry,” I let go of his arm, embarrassed by my actions.

I moved out of the kitchen, needing to get away.

I heard Jared tell Karlie to watch the pancakes.

I felt his presence behind me before his arms circled around my body.

“Katy,” he nuzzled my neck. “It’s okay.”

“I know,” I said, my lower lip trembling with the threat of tears. “I didn’t mean to freak out.”

“I know that,” his lips pressed against my neck. I knew he was trying to relax me, but it wasn’t working.

“I’m so sick and tired of being scared of the littlest things, Jared. I can’t keep living like this,” I said, damming the tears back. I would not cry.

“You’re getting better,” he said, turning me around so I faced him. “You’re so much better,” he cupped my cheeks between his large palms. “There’s a difference in you, every day. Maybe you can’t see them, but I can. It all started when you let me in, Katy, and then, when you finally let me touch you… when you kissed me,” he breathed. “You’re better, Katy. You’re nothing like that frightened girl I defended in the club. You are a strong, powerful woman that was wronged. But you’re not letting that define you, anymore. You’re defining yourself.”

I soaked in his words, repeating them to myself.

I’m defining myself.

“When you have moments like that,” he pointed over his shoulder to the kitchen. “It’s not because you’re weak, Katy. It’s because you were hurt. It’s a reaction you can’t control.”

I nodded.

“When this happens, don’t run. Please, don’t run from me, kitten, but…” he took a deep breath, “on those rare occasions where you do run,” he grinned, “I’ll chase you.”

I laughed.

“Better now?” he asked, looking into my eyes.

“Yeah,” I nodded, putting my hand over his. “You always make me feel better.”

“Good,” he kissed the end of my nose and then my forehead. “Now, come eat my world famous pancakes.”

“World famous?” I raised a brow as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

He chuckled. “Okay, maybe their only famous, in my family’s eyes.”

“That’s what I thought,” I poked his side.


Dan and Patsy came through the door, stomping snow off their boots.

“It’s too cold out there,” Patsy shivered, removing her coat and scarf.

“I second that,” Dan replied, rubbing his wife’s back.

“Can you guys stop standing by the door so I can open my presents? Jared wouldn’t let me open them until you guys got here,” Karlie was dancing on the balls of her feet.

Dan chuckled. “You’re always so impatient whenever presents are involved.”

“I can’t help it! It’s just all so exciting! Not knowing what’s hiding underneath the wrapping!” she gushed.

Dan shook his head and him and Patsy took a seat on the couch. Jared and I sat on the floor, side by side, with Mable climbing over our legs like they were giant mountains in her way.

I slid my bag of gifts over so that I could hand them out.

I handed Jared his boxes, Dan his, and tossed a box to Karlie.

The gift I had gotten

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