Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,104

my brother put the moves on. That’s just gross.”

Jared chuckled. “I am not putting the moves on.”

“You totally are,” she said. “Can I open my presents, now?”

“Only the two,” Jared warned, but she was already tearing into the ones she had set aside.

“Mable’s a cute name and she’s an adorable kitten,” Karlie said, over her shoulder as she lifted the lid off of the box.

“Thanks,” I said, sitting on the couch and nuzzling Mable. “I love her,” I couldn’t help smiling.

Jared massaged my neck. “I’m glad. I checked with your condo to make sure they were pet friendly before I got her. But I knew I needed to get my kitten a kitten of her own,” he kissed my forehead.

“She’s so sweet,” I said, playing with her small paws.

“Thank you, Jared!” Karlie shrieked, breaking Jared and I out of our stupor. She held a sweater in one hand a new iPhone in the other. “You’re the best.”

“I know,” Jared chuckled. “Remember, no more presents until tomorrow, so don’t even ask.”

“I’m not five, Jare,” she rolled her eyes.

“On Christmas, you act like it,” he grinned.

She stuck her tongue out.

“Five years old,” he pointed at her.

She shook her head, her orange-red hair swishing around her shoulders. “Can we watch a Christmas movie?” she asked.

“Sure,” Jared said.

She picked one out and plopped in the chair. I scooted closer to Jared and Mable lay between us, just a fuzzy gray ball.

She looked up at me with the biggest green eyes I had ever seen. I reached down, rubbing her tummy. Her eyes closed as she purred, completely content.

The movie ended and we headed upstairs, to go to bed.

I changed in the bathroom, Mable running between my feet and making it take longer to change.

I finished and scooped her up under my arm.

Jared was already in bed, the light on the bedside table still on.

“Do you mind if she sleeps in the bed?” I asked, biting my lip.

“Of course not,” he grinned. “I even bought double of everything so that when you come here, you can bring her.”

I put Mable down on the bed and she immediately bounced onto Jared’s chest, where she plopped and promptly closed her eyes.

I laughed at the sweet kitten before climbing into bed. I couldn’t help glancing to my overnight bag where I knew the pills Sharon had prescribed, resided. I had been using them, at home, to keep the nightmares way. But I figured, tonight, with Jared, I wouldn’t need them.

“Night kitten,” he kissed the top of my head, pulling me against him after he turned the light off.

“Night,” I whispered, my eyes closing.


I woke up, early, before Jared, and smiled at the sight that met me.

Jared’s left arm was slung above his head, and in the crook of that arm, beside his head, was Mable.

I leaned out of the bed and fumbled for the phone in my bag. I manage to get it out and snapped a few pictures, setting them as my wallpaper.

Groggily, Jared opened his eyes. “Hey,” he said, his voice thick with sleep. “Why are you smiling?”

I pointed to where Mable was. He tilted his head slightly and was met with the ball of fur.

“She likes you,” I said.

“What’s not to like?” he joked, reaching for the small kitten. He put her on his chest and scratched behind her ears. Her loud purr immediately filled the room.

I reached over, petting her small back. She was so little I was afraid we might squish her.

“Is Karlie up?” Jared yawned.

“I don’t think so,” I shook my head. “I haven’t heard anything.”

“Good,” he rubbed his hand over his stubbled chin. “I hope she sleeps in.” he picked Mable up and sat her on the bed. “I’m going to go shower.”

I nodded. “I’ll just be –uh- here,” I looked around his room.

He chuckled, getting out of the bed. He leaned over, kissing me quickly. “I won’t be long,” he assured me.

I lay back down, playing with Mable. I was still in shock that Jared had gotten me a kitten. An actual pet. He was the sweetest, most thoughtful, person I had ever met. There weren’t many people in the world like Jared. He was special. I was lucky to have found him and so thankful that I stopped fighting my feelings for him.

“Hey Mable,” I said, kissing her on her tiny head, right between her pointed ears. “You’re so cute. You know that, don’t you?

She tilted her head, blinking her owlish green eyes at me, and then proceeded to

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