Two for Joy - Louise Collins Page 0,77

hazy, and afterwards I didn’t really get a chance to thank you, to talk to you.”

Romeo snorted. “No, your mind seemed to be somewhere else, or should I say your blood seemed to flow somewhere else…”

“I don’t know what that was, my head was spinning, I needed…”

“You don’t have to explain.”

“Good, because I don’t think I can.”

“I’m sorry I left you behind.”

“That … hurt.”

“If it’s any consolation, it hurt me, too.”

“Where—where do we go from here?”

“I mean the room’s hideous, but the bed looks acceptable.”

Chad snorted. “I meant, after … the bed.”

“Whatever you decide.”

Chad wriggled out of Romeo’s grip and looked at him. “What does that mean?”

“I’ll do what’s best for you. If you want me to come out of the shadows, get arrested, and go back inside, I will.”

“No.” Chad said, shaking his head. “No way.”

“Then tell me, Chad. I waited for you, now what is it you want to do next?”

His eyebrows drew together in thought, then he lifted his head.

“First, I want to sue the Canster Times for all they’ve got for the articles they wrote on me.”

A prang of something like guilt twisted Romeo’s stomach, but he didn’t admit to anything. “Good idea.”

“And then I’m going to apply for a detective job in Poole … far away from here.”

“Also good.”

“I’ll get a house, set back from the road, away from other houses.”

“Like a farmhouse?”

“Yeah, maybe. And … I want you to be there.”

Romeo smiled. “Yeah?”

“I know being shut away in a farmhouse isn’t much difference to being locked up—

“You’re kidding right? This room we’re in now is four times the size of my cell. I was allowed one hour outside and had no entertainment. The only thing keeping me going was your visits.”

“Still, keeping you in a house, like you’re a pet … like a dog.”

Romeo snorted. “It will do for now. Besides, I’m sure Poole has a homeless population, and businessmen, and farmers, and whatever other disguises I can come up with.”

Chad swallowed loudly. “And no more … killing?”

“I completed what I set out to, got my allowance of five.”

“But urges … desires, compulsions, whatever it is, they don’t just go away.”

“I’ve kept my need at bay for most of my life, I can do it again.”

Chad didn’t look convinced, and Romeo sighed. “I could ask you the same question.”


“The urges, desires, compulsions of a detective, of being a good guy. How can they go away? How can you put aside who I am?”

“You’re the exception.”

“I’m Chad’s exception so the detective turns a blind eye.”

“It’s strange when you talk like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m two different people.”

“That’s how you think of me, isn’t it?”

“Kind of.”

“I’m the monster and part of me wants to … kill,” Romeo said slowly, waiting for Chad to react. He didn’t even blink, and Romeo smiled, before continuing. “And Romeo who wants to keep you alive.”

“And I’m the detective, part of me wants to detain you, and Chad who can’t—no, won’t live without you.”

“We’re all broken pieces, jagged, sharp, uneven, but somehow the four of us fit together.”

“Jagged, sharp, uneven, you missed out smelly.”

Romeo narrowed his eyes. “Is that you trying to be funny again?”

“I’m speaking the truth. I’ve got clothes, food, water, painkillers. I didn’t know what you needed.”

“Just you.”

Romeo smiled, then leaned into kiss him, but Chad avoided his mouth, and instead turned, tugging on Romeo’s hand. “In here.”

He let Chad lead him into the bathroom and glanced at the rucksack Chad had bought with him. “And toothpaste, shower gel, razor, deodorant—

“Are you saying you don’t want me like this?”

Chad gave him a coy smile. “I thought you’d appreciate it. It can’t have been easy sleeping outside the hospital.”

Romeo shrugged. “I wanted to be close. I wanted you to know I hadn’t abandoned you.”

“Thank you.”

Romeo nodded, then tugged open Chad’s rucksack. The first thing he saw was a toothbrush, and a tube of toothpaste, and he grabbed both with eagerness, then rushed to the sink. He moaned as he brushed, eyes spinning in their sockets. Once wasn’t enough. He scrubbed his teeth and tongue until each time he breathed, he felt the minty freshness in his nostrils and throat. The mint was so fierce his eyes watered, and his nose twitched.

“Feel good?”

“Yeah. Especially when I know you’ll let me kiss you now.”

“Not quite.”

Romeo did a double take when he caught himself in the mirror. “Whoa…”

His stylish stubble had grown. His hair was a few inches longer than he preferred it. His cheek looked sunken, and his eyelid hung looser, and Copyright 2016 - 2024