Two for Joy - Louise Collins Page 0,76

want to get back to my place.”

“I could ask the DI to put someone outside your apartment, or drive by a few times, check everything’s okay.”

Chad snorted. “What? Why?”

“Just in case…”

“He’s dead Gareth, gone. And even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t hang around here, would he?”

“He might come after you, kill you—”

“He had the perfect opportunity to do it, and he didn’t. He’s gone Gareth. It’s over.”

Chad reached down and put a few bills on Romeo’s cardboard sign. He crossed the road, Zac climbed into the back of the car, giving up the passenger seat to Chad.

“Jesus, Chad, how much did you give that guy?”

“Enough for him to start that second chance he’s on about.”

Gareth shook his head and climbed into the car. Chad stared over the top, finally looking at Romeo, then gave him a bright smile.

Romeo watched them drive away, then picked up the bills Chad had left him. Underneath, hidden from view, was a torn-out piece of newspaper. A crossword that Chad had filled in with an address, a time, and an instruction. Romeo read it a few times before he had everything in the right order, then he grinned.

Red Inn hotel, Swaffon, room twelve, 9:00 PM, window. He counted the money.

Chad had given him plenty for a taxi to get there.

Clever magpie.


Romeo had spent his life reading people and learning from them how he was supposed to react. He watched his mother open gifts from his father at Christmas and on her birthday, learned the wide-eyed awed look worked wonders. He found the happy medium between reacting too much and not enough, and each Christmas and birthday he put his behavior into practice. His parents always bought his amazement, surprise, happiness. He could fake it easily with his expression and voice.

Crouching outside the hotel window, heart thumping in his chest, and breathlessness making him dizzy, he didn’t need to fake his reactions. This is what other people felt like when they were about to get something they really wanted. It was horrible, and exciting at the same time.

The curtains were drawn, and he couldn’t see any light peeking through the gaps. Chad had told him 9:00, but he’d didn’t have a watch, and had to guess. He’d crouched behind a bush for what felt like at least an hour, bubbling over with anticipation.

The hotel was budget, twenty miles from the city. The paint flaked off the windowsills, there were cracks in the walls, and one of the glass doors to reception had been boarded up. No cameras, hardly any people, and only a few cars dotted around in the parking lot.

Romeo had been careful in the taxi not to give the driver a glimpse of his face. The driver had almost refused him, but when he flashed the cash, his grimace morphed into a smile, and he welcomed Romeo into the back of his car. He kept his sleeping bag close to his face and asked for the radio to be turned up to avoid awkward conversation.

Light appeared around the edges of the curtain, Romeo straightened, willing them to open, willing Chad to be there. He got to his feet, drawn to the room, and when the curtains were yanked open, Chad leapt back in shock, tripping over the bed.

Romeo laughed, he couldn’t have been a pretty sight, knew Chad leaping out of his skin must’ve been justified, but him sprawled out on the floor was definitely amusing.

Chad unhooked the latch on the window, Romeo checked behind him to make sure no one was looking, then climbed into the room.

Chad had the same shy smile, the same unsure mannerisms, and twitchiness he had when visiting the prison.

The same weird excitement filled them both, ending in averted gazes, and soft laughs. Romeo broke the odd stalemate, pulling Chad into a firm hug.

Chad pressed against him, and Romeo smiled when he felt Chad’s heart beating as frantically as his own. He relaxed into Chad, and Chad relaxed into him until a pleased sigh brushed Romeo’s neck.

“Thank you.” Chad mumbled.

“For what?”

“Breaking out of prison, working out where I was, and for killing…”

“Go on.”

“And for killing Marc. Everyone else turned their back on me. You did the impossible and saved me.”

“Only just, and I think it was mutual. Marc almost got the better of me.”

“I saw him stab you, and I just…” Chad shook his head. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I don’t want my life without you.”

“We’re both still here.”

“It was all so fast, and Copyright 2016 - 2024