Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,93

was sitting at the table with her laptop open in front of her. She glanced up and gave me a weak smile as I closed the door behind me.


“Morning, did he show up?” I asked, afraid to look back and see Drake’s bunk still empty.

She sighed. “Yeah, he came back in the middle of the night. He was drunk and flipped out when he realized you left. He thought you had left him period and started to go after you. Since he could barely stand up, we convinced him to sleep it off and that you would be back in the morning.”

“I assume he’s still sleeping?”

“Yeah, and he probably will for a while. I’d let him sleep, it’s not going to be pretty when he wakes up.”

“I won’t wake him, but I’m going to check on him.” I said as I walked quietly to his bunk.

He was lying in bed in only his boxers with his mouth hanging open. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked. I stepped closer and tripped over something on the floor. I threw my hands out and to keep myself from falling and glanced down to see what the culprit was. Drake’s shirt and pants were tossed down beside the bed and I reached down to pick them up.

I grabbed his shirt first and almost gagged; it smelled like he had taken a bath in Jack Daniels. I grabbed his pants next and threw them and the shirt in the bag he used for dirty laundry. A small bag fell from his jeans and onto the floor. My heart stopped as I reached down to pick it up.

“No.” I whispered as I stared at the white powder inside. “How could he?”

So this was it; this stupid little bag was why he was putting everyone through hell. Drake had his faults, just like everyone else, and I looked past them. But this, this I couldn’t ignore. I had spent my entire life being physically abused by a drug addict and I wasn’t going to spend the rest being verbally abused by another one.

My eyes fell on Drake’s sleeping form and I lost it. “Un-fucking-believable!” I screeched. Eric and Adam were sleeping only a few feet away and they both woke up when they heard my shouting.

“Whadafuck?” Adam mumbled, still half asleep.

Eric sat up in bed and looked at me. “What’s wrong?”

“You were right. This,” I kicked Drake’s bunk as I held up the bag for Adam to see, “asshole is using cocaine.”

Jade rushed back to us, but stopped dead when she saw the bag in my hand. “Oh, no.”

“Oh, yes.” I growled.

I leaned down and shook a still sleeping Drake roughly. How he had slept through my shouting, I’ll never know.

“Wake up asshole!” I shouted.

He groaned and rolled over, but continued to sleep. My patience was running out and I slapped his bare arm; next would be a kick to a certain area he was extra fond of.

“Wake! Up!” I shouted into his ear.

His eyes opened slowly. “Chloe?”

“Good job, you know who I am. Now get up.”

He slowly sat up and peered at me through bloodshot eyes. “Not so loud, my head is killing me.”

“It’s really going to hurt after I get through with you,” I threw the bag at him. “Look what fell out of your pocket.”

His eyes widened and he glanced back and forth between the bag and me. “That’s not mine.”

“Don’t lie to me Drake, I’m not stupid! It fell out of your pocket!”

Eric stood and put his hand on my shoulder. “Hey, calm down.”

I turned to glare at him. “Stay out of this. Actually, I want you guys to give us a minute alone.”

“I, uh you’re kind of mad right now. I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Eric said.

“No, I want to be alone with him. Please.”

Eric seemed unsure, but Jade nodded. “We’ll be outside, just yell if you need us.”

I waited until they left to turn back to Drake. Neither of us spoke as we stared at each other and my eyes welled up with tears, both from anger and hurt.

“How could you?” I whispered.

“I didn’t…” He started, but I held up my hand.

“No, just stop. Tell me the truth.”

He stood and reached out for me, but I pushed him away. “Chloe, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

“That’s a lie. If you didn’t want it to happen, you wouldn’t have started using to begin with. You’ve gone years without using, I thought you Copyright 2016 - 2024