Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,92

Pack your stuff up and get out!” I heard him roar as he reached Drake.

The bar was deathly quiet as I walked through the crowd. They parted easily for me and I was out the door in seconds. I ran to the bus and jumped on, with Jade right behind me.

“I can’t believe him!” I shouted.

“I know honey, this isn’t like him.” Jade said sadly.

“He just beat up some random guy and got you guys kicked out of the bar. Was he like this before I got here?

“He’s been a little off for a while, but it’s getting worse.”

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked as I started to cry.

I felt like I was losing him, and I was powerless to stop it. He was slowly slipping away and he refused to open up to me so that I could help him or fix whatever was bothering him.

Eric stepped on the bus, looking more pissed off than I had ever seen him. “We have a serious problem.”

“You think?” I grumbled as I rubbed a sore spot on my bottom. “Where is he anyway?”

“He helped pack everything up and then disappeared.”

“I don’t know what to do Eric.” I said.

“I do,” Adam said as he boarded the bus as well. “Let me beat the shit out of him.”

“Adam, you’re not helping.” Jade said as she glared at him.

“I think I know what’s going on with him, but I hope I’m wrong.” Eric said as he sat down at the table.

“What? Tell me and we’ll fix it.” I pleaded.

“This isn’t something you can fix.”

“Damn it Eric, spit it out.” Adam growled.

“I think he’s using again.”

“Using? You mean drugs? Drake wouldn’t do that.” I said, confused.

“I didn’t think he would, but all the signs point in that direction. The mood swings, the random outbursts of anger, him disappearing constantly; it all fits. I knew him before he went to rehab and it was almost exactly like this.”

I dropped into the seat across from him. “There’s no way he would do that. He knows how I feel about drugs after everything that happened with my mom, he knows I’d leave. I won’t go through that again.”

“I think he’s right Chloe. I’ve been thinking the same thing, but I was afraid to say it.” Jade said sadly.

“You’re all wrong, he wouldn’t do that!” I all but shouted.

I jumped from my chair and walked back to Drake’s bunk to grab my purse.

“Where are you going?” Adam asked as I walked to the door.

“To a hotel, I can’t deal with this right now.”

I exited the bus and ran for my car. I drove around town for a while, trying to clear my head. There was no way that Drake would ever start using again, Eric had to be wrong. He knew about my past, and he had seen firsthand how screwed up my mom had been because of them. Knowing how much I hated them, there was no way that he would risk losing me; we loved each other too much.

I finally pulled into a beat down hotel just a few miles from the bus. I told myself it was because I didn’t want to have to hunt to find my way back in the morning, but the truth was that I wanted to be close in case Drake called. Yes, I was really angry with him for tonight, but I wanted him to open up to me. Maybe after tonight, he would realize he needed to open up to me.

After paying for my room, I carried my bags inside and looked around the room. I cringed and rethought my decision to stay here as I took in the dingy space. The room was clean enough, but it was aged. The walls were a bit stained and the wallpaper was peeling in places. I glanced at the bed; it seemed ok, but I was definitely wearing pajamas to bed just to be safe.

I took a quick shower and checked my phone, but there were no missed calls. Defeated, I crawled into bed and pulled the covers up. Maybe tomorrow; it was a new day after all.

There were still no missed calls when I woke the next morning. My hope deflated when I still hadn’t received a call after I was dressed and driving back to the bus. Amazingly enough, the bus was still parked in the lot. I had been afraid that the bar would force them off of their property.

The bus was quiet as I stepped inside. Jade Copyright 2016 - 2024