Twisted Love (Modern Romance #3) - Piper Lawson Page 0,53

twin, of losing control to chase something that could never satisfy me.

It was a lesson in weakness.

I’d never pursue an emotion promised by intimacy, fleeting or otherwise.

But eight years is a long time to do penance.


Running a marketing and PR company has its glamorous moments—events, awards dinners, the occasional travel and weekends like the Vanes’. But a lot of it is days like today. Reviewing client files, ensuring we're not just keeping up but anticipating needs.

“The charity campaign isn’t doing what we expected, but we made some adjustments and donations are up this past week,” Kendall says.

I check that off my list as we go around the table. Serena and Kendall give updates on their customers. When we're done, I feel more on top of things, which I know is thanks to the women leading accounts and not myself.

“I appreciate you both taking on more while I’m overseeing this wedding. You’re both getting a cut of this.”

“You don’t need to do that,” Kendall insists.

“But we’re glad you are,” Serena quips, throwing a pencil at Kendall, who catches it, laughing. “Especially since you’re living the high life. The Vineyard with Ben? Can’t be all bad.”

“It wasn’t,” I admit, unable to hide a smile.

A knock at the door has me looking up to see my sister holding a cake-sized white box.

Rena beats me to the door. “Damn, you’re the cutest thing ever.”

Lily grins. “You’re saying that because I brought treats.”

My sister comes and puts the box in the center of the table, opening the lid.

“Oh, no. Those are the lavender cupcakes? Rory goes crazy over them,” Kendall says of her son, who loves cooking and baking. “He tried to replicate them but can’t and he refuses to let me bring them into the house because he’s irritated.”

“What’s the writing on them?” Rena asks.

I tilt my head to read the script that runs from each of the six cupcakes to the next. “You were a dick…but I was too…Let’s not fight… because you pay the rent.” The final two cupcakes have a smiley face and a heart on them.

“I want a little sister,” Rena decides, reaching for the cupcake with “Because you pay the rent” on top. “Kendall has a cute kid, you have a cute sibling.”

“You have a brother,” I remind her.

“He’s in college, and he’s all drama. Literally. He’s in performing arts school.” But she smiles. I know she adores Beck.

Lily clears her throat. “Can we talk a second?”

“Yes, we were just finishing up.”

Kendall says, “I’ll send you the summary for that client this afternoon.”

“Thanks.” I opt for the cupcake bearing, “You were a dick.” It’s probably best if that doesn’t wind up in the kitchen.

I follow my sister back to my office and close the glass door after us.

“So I know we haven’t had much time to talk this past week because you’ve been working to pay my tuition. Which again—appreciated.” Lil threads her hands together in front of her as if she’s been rehearsing this. “But I wanted to tell you, it wasn’t what it looked like.”

I pick up the cupcake and swipe a finger through the icing, then suck it off. The sugar hits my veins in a heady rush that can only do so much to offset my skepticism.

“I paid him to take my virginity.”

Oh Jesus.

“Not… what I thought you were going to say,” I admit.

“He’s a guy from class. I tried to find the market value for a similar…service.”

“And?” It’s amazing I can vocalize right now given what she’s telling me.

“A hundred bucks. I thought it was important.” Her face scrunches up, and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“But he didn’t…”

“No, he left. We were going to reschedule.” Lily crosses to my floating bookshelf and traces a finger along the spines of the marketing titles.

“Don’t reschedule.”

“You realize I’m twenty. Everyone else has already had sex.”

“Just like there’s no one time to start working or get married or have kids, there’s no one time to have sex.” I set the cupcake on the corner of my desk and fold my arms.

“Why. Did your first time mess you up?” Lil asks, heading back to the middle of my carpet.

Vi and I used to talk about everything, but because Lil is so much younger, we never had that kind of relationship. But the way she’s looking at me, as if it’s more than a smartass question, has me reconsidering.

I can tell her, or keep her in the dark.

I’ve always tried to protect my little sister, not wanting Copyright 2016 - 2024