Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,95

was lost, she couldn’t have stopped if she’d tried. She needed this release now and if he didn’t give to her, she almost felt like she would die.

Wordlessly, she nodded, there was no point in trying to speak.

“Fuck ...” he bit out as he slammed his fingers back inside of her. “Hell Elise, this is the hottest thing I have ever done – and I mean ever.” He began to thrust his fingers in and out impatiently, all the while continuing to tease her clit with his thumb. “I really didn’t think you’d want to do this; I was teasing you, expecting you to pull away but babe, you have well and truly called my bluff. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to get from here to my room now.”

She whimpered slightly as she started to reach her peak and she felt him curl his fingers inside of her as the first waves of her release began to form.

“Put your head into my neck, babe - pretend you’re just resting your head on my shoulder.” He instructed, “Bite down if you need to. I’ll keep you safe but you have to be quiet. Really, really quiet.”

Following his command, she turned her head and connected with the lapel of his jacket just as the first explosion hit. It was by far and away the most incredible experience of her life and she bit down hard into the rough material to stop herself from crying out. The fact that they were still in the ballroom and in a darkened corner only added to the intensity of it all and she rode wave after wave; coming like she had never come before and feeling as if it would never stop. Vaughn continued the assault with his fingers inside her until she was done and then gently removed them when the last of her contractions had passed. His breathing was shallow and uneven and from where her head was resting on his shoulder, she could see the unmistakable bulge in his trousers. She was shattered, completely sated and heady with the knowledge of what she could do to this man.

Slowly Vaughn brought his hand back out from underneath her dress and the table and she watched enthralled as he licked his fingers carefully, his eyes half closed in desire. Almost immediately, she felt stirrings of desire again, and had to look away to prevent herself from doing something way beyond what was acceptable in a public ballroom.

When he had finished, he looked up at her from hooded eyes before glancing around the room seemingly to satisfy himself that no one had noticed anything untoward.

“We were lucky, babe and shit, that was amazing – but we really need to get out of here now. You go first; I need to...compose... myself. I’m in room 154 - take the card and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.” He thrust the key card into her hand and then helped her to stand and straighten her dress before giving her a playful swat on her backside. “Get out of here, you hussy!”

She smiled and winked at him and then walked to the exit of the ballroom. She turned back just as she got to the door to see that Vaughn had sat back down and had his head in his hands, breathing deeply. And as she closed the door behind her, she registered that he looked as ragged and shell-shocked, as she felt.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Room 154 turned out to be on the same corridor as Elise’s so she took the opportunity to quickly pop into her room and freshen up. She had just put the card into the lock of Vaughn’s room when he emerged from the stairs and headed along the corridor. In the light of the hallway, she could see how stunning Vaughn looked in his dinner suit; the jacket and the trousers clearly tailored and not like the usual off-the-peg stuff that most men made do with.

As he approached she let her eyes drink in his height, the breadth of his shoulders, the length of his legs, his beautiful dark hair curling just above his nape and his striking dark dark eyes. He was an amazing visual feast and Elise felt herself pale in comparison. She was nothing special, just an ordinary girl with a few too many curves and relatively nice eyes. She was at a complete loss as to why someone like Vaughn would even spare her the time of Copyright 2016 - 2024