Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,94

pretend that everything is normal when, really, you just want to let go like you’ve never let go before? How does that make you feel? Do you like it? Would you like to be watched?” His voice became more intense, his breathing rapid and shallow.

By now Elise had gone way beyond horny and his words, the implication that someone could see what they were doing, had her skyrocketing and she felt a burst of wetness release and trickle down her thigh. Normally, she would have been mortified at her body’s reaction but this was so hot that she was too far-gone to care.

“Answer me, Elise – how does this make you feel?” He was whispering more urgently now, his breath hot as his fingers continued to play at the top of her thighs.

She looked at him and saw the unmistakable lust in his eyes, knowing that it was reflected in hers too.

“This.....” she swallowed “I’ve never done anything like this before but I like it, I think – really like it. It’s so... so hot. I hate the thought of being caught but I love the thrill, the fear. I’ve never felt anything like this before. This is definitely a first.”

“You don’t know how good that makes me feel.” He almost growled in her ear. “We won’t get caught, Elise, I assure you. I told you to trust me and I promise that I will take care of you – just do as I say. I want to make this the best first time that you’ve ever had.”

With that he started to move his hand again; this time reaching the lacy tops of her hold ups where he paused briefly before he continued past them and up her bare leg, heading for the exposed junction of her thighs.

As he got nearer, she felt more wetness release and he groaned in her ear when it connected with his fingers.

“Shit, Elise – you are going to be my undoing. Seriously.”

Slowly he continued to walk his fingers upwards, massaging in her wetness along her upper thigh, until he reached the curls at the apex. Briefly he brushed over them and Elise sucked in a breath, struggling to maintain control as her thighs began to quiver.

“Hold on, babe – hold on for me.” he said, his voice low, sexy, raw and thick with desire.

Leaving her curls, he moved his fingers lower, lightly tracing the line down through her folds, slowly at first, taking her wetness with him; all the while continuing the outward pretence of the two of them sat at a table, heads lowered talking - he with his arm slung across her shoulders. She looked up and met his eyes, saw the passion smouldering there and bit gently down on her lip to stop herself from crying out. Vaughn continued to tease her with his hand under the table, running light circles up, down and around, teasing her, promising more and then moving away, only to return and tease her again. His finger lightly brushed her clit and this time she sighed, unable to prevent the small sound escaping and that noise seemed to tip him over the edge. Unexpectedly, as if he could hold on no longer, he thrust a finger inside of her all the way, nipping on the lobe of her ear almost painfully as he did so.

“You are so warm and wet – Christ babe, we really need to get out of here. I’m not sure how much longer I can promise to behave.”

Despite his words, Vaughn added a second finger and began to slowly thrust in and out and around and around, mimicking a similar action with the hand caressing circles on her shoulder. He was still nibbling on her lobe and moved lower to the sensitive spot on her neck just underneath her ear. At the same time he added his thumb to his hand below the table and used it to rub lightly over her curls, parting her folds, teasing her until she was on the brink of losing control.

Suddenly, as if realising where they were and what they were about to do, Vaughn began to slowly withdraw his fingers, placing lingering kisses on her neck as he did so. Elise, however, had reached the point of no return, and clamped her inner muscles down hard onto his retreating fingers, causing him to still.

“Seriously? You really want to do this here?” he asked incredulously, his voice not quite steady.

Helplessly she looked at him – she Copyright 2016 - 2024