Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,85

parties. The butter had always been served in small, handcrafted rolls, achieved by the use of a special implement and it brought back fond memories of being allowed to help her mother make the butter rolls.

During this first course of the meal, she had given herself some time to think about Vaughn and how he affected her. As a result, Elise remained largely silent, allowing the rest of the group to carry on the conversation. She was finally beginning to admit to herself that she was attracted to Vaughn on a level much deeper than she had ever been to Dale and that scared the life out of her.

She knew that she wanted Vaughn physically and he apparently wanted her too. Part of her, the rebellious part, the one that was fed up with her life and the reality of her marriage, was just willing herself to let go and have some fun. They both knew that she was married, that nothing permanent could come of any association and as far as Vaughn was concerned, Dale was a low life who deserved everything he got.

Whilst she understood the argument that both he and Cole put forward about Dale, she was still struggling to let that one last piece go and admit that her marriage was over. In her heart of hearts she knew that it was but to admit to it out loud was a different thing altogether. She also had no idea how she could end her marriage without hurting Dale. Ironic really, considering the amount of hurt that Dale heaped onto her on a daily basis. It was a fragile situation and, given his volatile behaviour, part of her was very scared.

If he took it badly, which she suspected he would, then what would that mean for her and anyone who decided to get involved and help her out? She didn’t want to be hurt any more than she already was and she certainly didn’t want for Cole or any of her friends to get hurt. She knew that the time was coming when she would have to make a decision that would almost inevitably mean leaving Dale, but she wasn’t sure if she was strong enough yet to brave the consequences, whatever they were.

Deep in thought she sighed, causing Vaughn to look across at her from where he had been talking to Roger.

“You OK?” he asked.

“Yes, sorry – just thinking.”

He leaned closer to her so that he could whisper in her ear.

“As long as you were thinking about what’s going to happen between us later – then that’s fine with me.” He really did have the most ridiculously sexy voice.

“Your ego knows no bounds, Mr Granger – you were the last person on my mind.” She playfully punched him lightly on the arm - again.

“Ow! You really have to quit hitting me, you know.”

“Or... What if I don’t?” she teased playfully.

“I may just decide to take some revenge of my own.” He added suggestively, his voice low and dangerous.

Roger reclaimed Vaughn’s attention and he turned away again; except this time he placed his left hand on her knee under the table and began massaging circles up, down and around, occasionally dipping to the sensitive spot just underneath her knee.

As she fidgeted away from his touch, he moved his hand higher and lightly gripped her thigh at the exact point where the lacy top of her hold ups sat. He proceeded to run his thumb along the edge of the lace, all the while continuing his conversation with Roger, seemingly unaffected by anything that was happening below the table.

The waiters returned to clear away their soup bowls and Elise took the opportunity to excuse herself to go to the ladies room and to put a little distance between herself and this intoxicating man. As she went to stand up, Vaughn briefly tugged on her right hand, pulling her ear down level with his mouth.

“Don’t bother coming back unless you’ve removed your panties” he whispered, so low that at first she wasn’t sure she had heard him correctly. She straightened up in complete shock and looked directly into his eyes. He nodded at her imperceptibly, raising an eyebrow in silent challenge and she realised that she had heard every single word - precisely. Legs shaking, she pushed her chair back and tried to catch Celeste’s eye; she really needed her friend right now. Unfortunately Celeste was oblivious to the world around her, totally engrossed in something that Roger was Copyright 2016 - 2024