Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,84

than necessary.

Lightly, he coughed. “There’s something I have to you mind if I..?”

Elise looked at him puzzled, wondering what on earth he meant and then stiffened slightly as he reached out his hand and pulled her closer to him, his palm coming into contact with her bottom.

“Relax, Elise,” he whispered in her ear, “I’m not going to hurt you – I just have to know something...please....”

Elise tried to relax as she moved in closer, allowing his hand to begin a leisurely journey across her bottom, over the curve and then lower to the crease where her bottom met her thighs and lower still to the tops of her thighs. His other hand joined in, mirroring. What the hell was he doing?

When he reached her thighs he paused and locked his eyes onto hers, slowly massaging the tops of her thighs with both of his hands and continually pulling her closer and closer to him. The massaging was driving her insane and she knew that she was helplessly wet and aroused, certain that that was reflected back in her eyes.

Without breaking contact, he began to move his hands lower still until he reached the lacy tops of her hold ups at which point he abruptly stopped moving and slammed her forcefully the rest of the way into his body, almost knocking her off balance in the process. This close there was no mistaking his erection and she bit her lip to hold in her involuntary gasp.

“Fuck.... Elise” he growled “Jesus...what you do to me. I thought you might have been wearing stockings but this.....” he rubbed his hands against the lacy tops again “these...these are something else. Shit.” He drew in a ragged breath as he clearly tried to regain some control. “We have to have dinner but for your information......I am going to be sat next to you with the mother of all hard-ons for the entire meal. Bloody hell, Elise...lacy hold-ups... Jesus Christ!”

Taken aback by his outburst after finally realising what he had been looking for, Elise was momentarily stunned; her senses going into overdrive at the physical closeness she currently shared with this man along with the force of his desire. She watched as his jaw began to tick and realising just how close he was to losing control, the devil in her began to rear its head and she blatantly fluttered her eyelashes at him, regaining some of her equilibrium and intentionally playing with the power he had unwittingly given.

“You like, Sir?” she mimicked in her best subservient voice, dropping her eyes in an attempt to appear coy.

Roughly, he grabbed her right hand and pressed it in-between their bodies, fitting it over his hard length, rubbing it briefly up and down.

“I think you’ll find ‘Sir’ likes them very much.” And he bucked further into her hand as if to emphasise the point, making them both draw in a ragged breath

Reluctantly, Vaughn removed her hand from his groin, stepping back and putting a discreet distance between them.

“We have to go into dinner,” he ground out, slowly emphasising each word, “although I am fairly certain that it will be one of the longest and most tortuous experiences of my life.”

The six of them were seated at one of the many round tables in the main ballroom and, as they weren’t conference guests as such, they were at the furthest end away from the dance floor and partially tucked into a corner.

Vaughn had morphed back into boss mode and had seated everyone in a boy – girl arrangement which meant that she had Vaughn to her right, Roger to her left with Celeste followed by Sam and then Tilly on the other side of Vaughn. As soon as they were seated, Vaughn surreptitiously moved his chair closer to hers and she watched with some amusement as both Sam and Roger did the same thing, moving closer to Tilly and Celeste respectively.

The food looked delicious and Elise was surprised to find that she was hungry, belatedly realising that she had not eaten much more than a sandwich all day.

Shortly after they had settled, uniformed waiters arrived with military precision and proceeded to serve them their soup - a divine blend of carrot and coriander, which Elise polished off in almost indecent haste. There was also freshly made bread and charming little rolls of butter, which brought back fond memories for Elise. Her mother had gone through a ‘posh’ phase when she had been growing up and had held endless dinner Copyright 2016 - 2024